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0 votes
asked by (14 points)
Good morning,

I fly in and out of CZVL quite often and use Foreflight in real life, I noticed that there are two airports in the Edmonton region that seem to be off in X-Plane 10. The worst of the two is CZVL which is my home airport. I try to practice my instrument approaches in X-Plane but cannot because of a discrepancy in the GPS coordinates.

I have tried to modify the adt.dat file and also tried to correct the issue in WED but with no success.

Any chances these could be modified in the next update and possibly update CZVL with the ILS 26 approach?

I am currently running X-plane 10.45 beta.

Thanks for your help.



1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (19.3k points)

Hi Chris,

Can you be more specific about what the problem is? 

If there are issues with NAVAIDs such as ILS beacons and things that have a physical object in X-Plane, if you file a NAVAID bug over on the Gateway Bug Reporter, we can get those moved in a future update. I'm not sure how much we can do about GPS info though as I believe we obtain that data from a separate provider. If you can please explain step by step how you noticed it and what the correct info should be go ahead and file a bug report here.

commented by (14 points)
For instance here is an example of RWY 08/26; the following is the GPS data from apd.dat file: CZVL EDMONTON VILLENEUVE
100 30.48 1 0 0.25 0 2 0 08 53.66550300 -113.84772500 0 0 2 0 0 0 26 53.66333300 -113.83138900

The actual coordinates for RWY 26 are ; 53.4006N 113.5108W. This information is right off the RNAV (GNSS) RWY 26 plate.

When I am flying in X-Plane with Foreflight the aircraft shows to the South of RWY 26 probably about 200 to 300 meters. So when I am flying the GPS RNAV approach I am off to the south.

Even when parked on the GA ramp the coordinates are off.

I hope this clears it up a little bit.


commented by (19.3k points)

Oh, so the location of the airport is wrong in X-Plane, not in the GPS. That's where I was mixed up. There is a new submission on the Airport Scenery Gateway that notes the position has been fixed. This change will be included in a future X-Plane update. If you would like to have the change now, please download the pack from Litjan, unzip it and place it in your custom scenery folder. Please note that if any future Gateway updates are made (to the default data), having this separate folder will override them.

If you encounter additional issues like this, please file them against the airport code on the Gateway bug reporter.

commented by (14 points)
Excellent that works, I will do a bug report see if we can get the ILS for 26 up now.