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0 votes
asked by (12 points)
The included C-130 airplane doesn't work.  I know it says "from older version," but the throttles do move when I press/hold F1 and F2, yet they have 0 effect on the thrust output of the plane and the gauges themselves don't change either. The aircraft is stuck to taxiing 10 kts on the ground from a ground start.  I tried using the map to slew the plane into the air, and it works, kind of. The throttles from an air-start are stuck at 100%.  While this is a little better, it still leaves the controllability of the plane practically nonfunctional.  Please don't bother adding things to the game if you're going to leave-out such a critical control.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (19.3k points)
I could not reproduce this. I did not see any throttle animations, but the plane gained speed while taxiing and other gauges showed changes as well. Please make sure you've taken off the parking brake and there aren't any plugins that may be interfering.