log.txt for X-Plane 11.01r2 (build 110102 64-bit) compiled on May 2 2017 11:18:40 X-Plane started on Sun Jun 4 08:00:00 2017 This log file is generated automatically by Laminar Research applications and contains diagnostics about your graphics hardware, installation, and any error conditions. If you need to contact tech support or file a bug, please send us this file. NOTE: this file is rewritten every time you start ANY of your X-System applications. Windows 6.1 (build 7601/2) Service Pack 1.0 This is a 64-bit version of Windows. CPU type: 8664 Physical Memory (total for computer): 17057689600 Maximum Virtual Memory (for X-Plane only): 8796092891136 CPU 0: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4460 CPU @ 3.20GHz Speed (mhz): 3192 CPU 0: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4460 CPU @ 3.20GHz Speed (mhz): 3192 CPU 0: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4460 CPU @ 3.20GHz Speed (mhz): 3192 CPU 0: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4460 CPU @ 3.20GHz Speed (mhz): 3192 X-System folder:'F:\X-Plane 11/', case sensitive=0 WGL_ARB_buffer_region WGL_ARB_create_context WGL_ARB_create_context_profile WGL_ARB_create_context_robustness WGL_ARB_context_flush_control WGL_ARB_extensions_string WGL_ARB_make_current_read WGL_ARB_multisample WGL_ARB_pbuffer WGL_ARB_pixel_format WGL_ARB_pixel_format_float WGL_ARB_render_texture WGL_ATI_pixel_format_float WGL_EXT_colorspace WGL_EXT_create_context_es_profile WGL_EXT_create_context_es2_profile WGL_EXT_extensions_string WGL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB WGL_EXT_pixel_format_packed_float WGL_EXT_swap_control WGL_EXT_swap_control_tear WGL_NVX_DX_interop WGL_NV_DX_interop WGL_NV_DX_interop2 WGL_NV_copy_image WGL_NV_delay_before_swap WGL_NV_float_buffer WGL_NV_multisample_coverage WGL_NV_render_depth_texture WGL_NV_render_texture_rectangle OpenGL Vendor : NVIDIA Corporation OpenGL Render : GeForce GTX 750 Ti/PCIe/SSE2 OpenGL Version : 4.5.0 NVIDIA 381.89 (450/0) OpenGL Extensions: GL_AMD_multi_draw_indirect GL_AMD_seamless_cubemap_per_texture GL_ARB_arrays_of_arrays GL_ARB_base_instance GL_ARB_bindless_texture GL_ARB_blend_func_extended GL_ARB_buffer_storage GL_ARB_clear_buffer_object GL_ARB_clear_texture GL_ARB_clip_control GL_ARB_color_buffer_float GL_ARB_compatibility GL_ARB_compressed_texture_pixel_storage GL_ARB_conservative_depth GL_ARB_compute_shader GL_ARB_compute_variable_group_size GL_ARB_conditional_render_inverted GL_ARB_copy_buffer GL_ARB_copy_image GL_ARB_cull_distance GL_ARB_debug_output GL_ARB_depth_buffer_float GL_ARB_depth_clamp GL_ARB_depth_texture GL_ARB_derivative_control GL_ARB_direct_state_access GL_ARB_draw_buffers GL_ARB_draw_buffers_blend GL_ARB_draw_indirect GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex GL_ARB_draw_instanced GL_ARB_enhanced_layouts GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility GL_ARB_ES3_compatibility GL_ARB_ES3_1_compatibility GL_ARB_ES3_2_compatibility GL_ARB_explicit_attrib_location GL_ARB_explicit_uniform_location GL_ARB_fragment_coord_conventions GL_ARB_fragment_layer_viewport GL_ARB_fragment_program GL_ARB_fragment_program_shadow GL_ARB_fragment_shader GL_ARB_framebuffer_no_attachments GL_ARB_framebuffer_object GL_ARB_framebuffer_sRGB GL_ARB_geometry_shader4 GL_ARB_get_program_binary GL_ARB_get_texture_sub_image GL_ARB_gl_spirv GL_ARB_gpu_shader5 GL_ARB_gpu_shader_fp64 GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 GL_ARB_half_float_pixel GL_ARB_half_float_vertex GL_ARB_imaging GL_ARB_indirect_parameters GL_ARB_instanced_arrays GL_ARB_internalformat_query GL_ARB_internalformat_query2 GL_ARB_invalidate_subdata GL_ARB_map_buffer_alignment GL_ARB_map_buffer_range GL_ARB_multi_bind GL_ARB_multi_draw_indirect GL_ARB_multisample GL_ARB_multitexture GL_ARB_occlusion_query GL_ARB_occlusion_query2 GL_ARB_parallel_shader_compile GL_ARB_pipeline_statistics_query GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_program_interface_query GL_ARB_provoking_vertex GL_ARB_query_buffer_object GL_ARB_robust_buffer_access_behavior GL_ARB_robustness GL_ARB_sample_shading GL_ARB_sampler_objects GL_ARB_seamless_cube_map GL_ARB_seamless_cubemap_per_texture GL_ARB_separate_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counter_ops GL_ARB_shader_atomic_counters GL_ARB_shader_ballot GL_ARB_shader_bit_encoding GL_ARB_shader_clock GL_ARB_shader_draw_parameters GL_ARB_shader_group_vote GL_ARB_shader_image_load_store GL_ARB_shader_image_size GL_ARB_shader_objects GL_ARB_shader_precision GL_ARB_shader_storage_buffer_object GL_ARB_shader_subroutine GL_ARB_shader_texture_image_samples GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod GL_ARB_shading_language_100 GL_ARB_shading_language_420pack GL_ARB_shading_language_include GL_ARB_shading_language_packing GL_ARB_shadow GL_ARB_sparse_buffer GL_ARB_sparse_texture GL_ARB_stencil_texturing GL_ARB_sync GL_ARB_tessellation_shader GL_ARB_texture_barrier GL_ARB_texture_border_clamp GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object GL_ARB_texture_buffer_object_rgb32 GL_ARB_texture_buffer_range GL_ARB_texture_compression GL_ARB_texture_compression_bptc GL_ARB_texture_compression_rgtc GL_ARB_texture_cube_map GL_ARB_texture_cube_map_array GL_ARB_texture_env_add GL_ARB_texture_env_combine GL_ARB_texture_env_crossbar GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3 GL_ARB_texture_float GL_ARB_texture_gather GL_ARB_texture_mirror_clamp_to_edge GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_ARB_texture_multisample GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two GL_ARB_texture_query_levels GL_ARB_texture_query_lod GL_ARB_texture_rectangle GL_ARB_texture_rg GL_ARB_texture_rgb10_a2ui GL_ARB_texture_stencil8 GL_ARB_texture_storage GL_ARB_texture_storage_multisample GL_ARB_texture_swizzle GL_ARB_texture_view GL_ARB_timer_query GL_ARB_transform_feedback2 GL_ARB_transform_feedback3 GL_ARB_transform_feedback_instanced GL_ARB_transform_feedback_overflow_query GL_ARB_transpose_matrix GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_array_bgra GL_ARB_vertex_array_object GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_64bit GL_ARB_vertex_attrib_binding GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_shader GL_ARB_vertex_type_10f_11f_11f_rev GL_ARB_vertex_type_2_10_10_10_rev GL_ARB_viewport_array GL_ARB_window_pos GL_ATI_draw_buffers GL_ATI_texture_float GL_ATI_texture_mirror_once GL_S3_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_env_add GL_EXT_abgr GL_EXT_bgra GL_EXT_bindable_uniform GL_EXT_blend_color GL_EXT_blend_equation_separate GL_EXT_blend_func_separate GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_blend_subtract GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array GL_EXT_Cg_shader GL_EXT_depth_bounds_test GL_EXT_direct_state_access GL_EXT_draw_buffers2 GL_EXT_draw_instanced GL_EXT_draw_range_elements GL_EXT_fog_coord GL_EXT_framebuffer_blit GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample GL_EXTX_framebuffer_mixed_formats GL_EXT_framebuffer_multisample_blit_scaled GL_EXT_framebuffer_object GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB GL_EXT_geometry_shader4 GL_EXT_gpu_program_parameters GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 GL_EXT_multi_draw_arrays GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil GL_EXT_packed_float GL_EXT_packed_pixels GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object GL_EXT_point_parameters GL_EXT_polygon_offset_clamp GL_EXT_provoking_vertex GL_EXT_rescale_normal GL_EXT_secondary_color GL_EXT_separate_shader_objects GL_EXT_separate_specular_color GL_EXT_shader_image_load_formatted GL_EXT_shader_image_load_store GL_EXT_shader_integer_mix GL_EXT_shadow_funcs GL_EXT_stencil_two_side GL_EXT_stencil_wrap GL_EXT_texture3D GL_EXT_texture_array GL_EXT_texture_buffer_object GL_EXT_texture_compression_dxt1 GL_EXT_texture_compression_latc GL_EXT_texture_compression_rgtc GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc GL_EXT_texture_cube_map GL_EXT_texture_edge_clamp GL_EXT_texture_env_combine GL_EXT_texture_env_dot3 GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_EXT_texture_integer GL_EXT_texture_lod GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias GL_EXT_texture_mirror_clamp GL_EXT_texture_object GL_EXT_texture_shared_exponent GL_EXT_texture_sRGB GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode GL_EXT_texture_storage GL_EXT_texture_swizzle GL_EXT_timer_query GL_EXT_transform_feedback2 GL_EXT_vertex_array GL_EXT_vertex_array_bgra GL_EXT_vertex_attrib_64bit GL_EXT_window_rectangles GL_EXT_import_sync_object GL_IBM_rasterpos_clip GL_IBM_texture_mirrored_repeat GL_KHR_context_flush_control GL_KHR_debug GL_KHR_no_error GL_KHR_robust_buffer_access_behavior GL_KHR_robustness GL_KTX_buffer_region GL_NV_alpha_to_coverage_dither_control GL_NV_bindless_multi_draw_indirect GL_NV_bindless_multi_draw_indirect_count GL_NV_bindless_texture GL_NV_blend_equation_advanced GL_NV_blend_equation_advanced_coherent GL_NV_blend_square GL_NV_command_list GL_NV_compute_program5 GL_NV_conditional_render GL_NV_copy_depth_to_color GL_NV_copy_image GL_NV_depth_buffer_float GL_NV_depth_clamp GL_NV_draw_texture GL_NV_draw_vulkan_image GL_NV_ES1_1_compatibility GL_NV_ES3_1_compatibility GL_NV_explicit_multisample GL_NV_fence GL_NV_float_buffer GL_NV_fog_distance GL_NV_fragment_program GL_NV_fragment_program_option GL_NV_fragment_program2 GL_NV_framebuffer_multisample_coverage GL_NV_geometry_shader4 GL_NV_gpu_program4 GL_NV_internalformat_sample_query GL_NV_gpu_program4_1 GL_NV_gpu_program5 GL_NV_gpu_program5_mem_extended GL_NV_gpu_program_fp64 GL_NV_gpu_shader5 GL_NV_half_float GL_NV_light_max_exponent GL_NV_multisample_coverage GL_NV_multisample_filter_hint GL_NV_occlusion_query GL_NV_packed_depth_stencil GL_NV_parameter_buffer_object GL_NV_parameter_buffer_object2 GL_NV_path_rendering GL_NV_pixel_data_range GL_NV_point_sprite GL_NV_primitive_restart GL_NV_register_combiners GL_NV_register_combiners2 GL_NV_shader_atomic_counters GL_NV_shader_atomic_float GL_NV_shader_atomic_int64 GL_NV_shader_buffer_load GL_NV_shader_storage_buffer_object GL_NV_texgen_reflection GL_NV_texture_barrier GL_NV_texture_compression_vtc GL_NV_texture_env_combine4 GL_NV_texture_multisample GL_NV_texture_rectangle GL_NV_texture_shader GL_NV_texture_shader2 GL_NV_texture_shader3 GL_NV_transform_feedback GL_NV_transform_feedback2 GL_NV_uniform_buffer_unified_memory GL_NV_vertex_array_range GL_NV_vertex_array_range2 GL_NV_vertex_attrib_integer_64bit GL_NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory GL_NV_vertex_program GL_NV_vertex_program1_1 GL_NV_vertex_program2 GL_NV_vertex_program2_option GL_NV_vertex_program3 GL_NVX_conditional_render GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info GL_NVX_multigpu_info GL_NVX_nvenc_interop GL_NV_shader_thread_group GL_NV_shader_thread_shuffle GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced GL_KHR_blend_equation_advanced_coherent GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap GL_SGIS_texture_lod GL_SGIX_depth_texture GL_SGIX_shadow GL_SUN_slice_accum GL_WIN_swap_hint WGL_EXT_swap_control threaded_avail : 1 aniso_avail : 1 timer_avail : 1 sync/fence : 1 pbo_avail : 1 frameblit_avail : 1 gpu_shad4_avail : 1 shad_lod_avail : 1 array_tex_avail : 1 texture_rg : 1 tex_float_avail : 1 seamless_avail : 1 drawbuf2_avail : 1 packed_stencil : 1 framebuffer_srgb : 1 copy_buf_avail : 1 ubo_avail : 1 gshader_avail : 1 base_vert_avail : 1 instance_avail : 1 tess_avail : 1 pinned_avail : 0 debug_avail : 1 max tex units : 32 (32/8) max iso filtering: 16.000000 max texture size : 16384 (hardware limit) max point size : 189.875000 idx in vram : 1 GLSL Version :4.50 NVIDIA/450 (16/4096/124/192/32/4096/4096) This video card is: DX10 or 11 - With instancing CPU count : 4 OpenAL loaded: Resources/dlls/64/openal32.dll OpenAL devices: OpenAL Soft Open AL default device:OpenAL Soft OpenAL vendor : OpenAL Community OpenAL renderer : OpenAL Soft OpenAL version : 1.1 OpenAL hardware : OpenAL Soft OpenAL extensions: ALC_ENUMERATE_ALL_EXT ALC_ENUMERATION_EXT ALC_EXT_CAPTURE ALC_EXT_DEDICATED ALC_EXT_disconnect ALC_EXT_EFX ALC_EXT_thread_local_context ALC_SOFTX_device_clock ALC_SOFTX_HRTF ALC_SOFT_loopback ALC_SOFTX_midi_interface ALC_SOFT_pause_device AL_EXT_ALAW AL_EXT_DOUBLE AL_EXT_EXPONENT_DISTANCE AL_EXT_FLOAT32 AL_EXT_IMA4 AL_EXT_LINEAR_DISTANCE AL_EXT_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_MULAW AL_EXT_MULAW_MCFORMATS AL_EXT_OFFSET AL_EXT_source_distance_model AL_LOKI_quadriphonic AL_SOFT_block_alignment AL_SOFT_buffer_samples AL_SOFT_buffer_sub_data AL_SOFT_deferred_updates AL_SOFT_direct_channels AL_SOFT_loop_points AL_SOFT_MSADPCM AL_SOFT_source_latency AL_SOFT_source_length Fetching plugins for F:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins Loaded: F:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/PluginAdmin/64/win.xpl (xpsdk.examples.pluginadmin). Loaded: F:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/AutoGate/64/win.xpl (Marginal.AutoGate). G64: 0.000: Gizmo64 Script Engine v16.11.03 Windows G64: 0.000: built: Nov 3 2016, 16:46:14 Loaded: F:\X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/Gizmo64.plugin/64/win.xpl (gizmo.x-plugins.com). G64: 0.198: Boot Count: 1 G64: 0.950: Plugin Enabled. I found the following scenery packages (prioritized in this order): 0 G:\Custom Scenery\aa-GMTT Tangier/ 1 G:\Custom Scenery\aa-EDDM Munich/ 2 Custom Scenery/3D_people_library/ 3 G:\Custom Scenery\aa-EGGW Luton/ 4 G:\Custom Scenery\aa-EGLC - Canary Wharf/ 5 G:\Custom Scenery\aa-EGLC - London_City_Airport/ 6 G:\Custom Scenery\aa-EKCH/ 7 G:\Custom Scenery\aa-LEBL Barcelona/ 8 G:\Custom Scenery\aa-LFKJ tdg/ 9 G:\Custom Scenery\aa-LFLL Lyon/ 10 G:\Custom Scenery\aa-LFLP-Annecy/ 11 Custom Scenery/aa-LFML Marseille Provence/ 12 Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/ 13 G:\Custom Scenery\aa-LIML Milan/ 14 G:\Custom Scenery\aa-LPMA Madeira/ 15 G:\Custom Scenery\aa-LSGG Geneva/ 16 G:\Custom Scenery\aa-LSZH Zurich/ 17 G:\Custom Scenery\aa-LXGB Gibraltar/ 18 G:\Custom Scenery\aa-OMDB Dubai Intl/ 19 G:\Custom Scenery\aaa-LXGB_Scenery_Pack/ 20 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EBBR Brussels/ 21 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EDDF Frankfurt/ 22 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EDLP Paderborn-Lippstadt/ 23 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EGBB Birmingham/ 24 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EGKK London-Gatwick/ 25 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EGLL Heathrow/ 26 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EGPF Glasgow/ 27 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - EGSS London-Stansted/ 28 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - LEMD Madrid/ 29 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - LFMN Nice Cote d Azur X/ 30 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - LFPG Paris CDG/ 31 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - LFPO Paris Orly/ 32 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - LPFR Faro/ 33 Custom Scenery/Aerosoft - LSGG Genf/ 34 G:\Custom Scenery\Airfoils/ 35 G:\Custom Scenery\Airport_Toulouse/ 36 Custom Scenery/Airports/ 37 Custom Scenery/BS2001 Object Library/ 38 Custom Scenery/CDB-Library/ 39 Custom Scenery/cemetery/ 40 G:\Custom Scenery\cerneabbas/ 41 G:\Custom Scenery\CYUL_Scenery_Pack/ 42 G:\Custom Scenery\EFHF_Scenery_Pack/ 43 G:\Custom Scenery\EGHQ_Scenery_Pack/ 44 Custom Scenery/Europe_Library/ 45 G:\Custom Scenery\Europe_Library/ 46 Custom Scenery/Europe_RoadTraffic/ 47 G:\Custom Scenery\Europe_RoadTraffic/ 48 Custom Scenery/ff_library/ 49 Custom Scenery/ff_library_extended_LOD/ 50 Custom Scenery/FJS_Scenery_Library_v1.7/ 51 Custom Scenery/flags_of_the_world/ 52 Custom Scenery/GCFV_Scenery_Pack/ 53 Custom Scenery/GCGM_Scenery_Pack/ 54 Custom Scenery/GCHI_Scenery_Pack/ 55 Custom Scenery/GCLA_Scenery_Pack/ 56 Custom Scenery/GCLB_Scenery_Pack/ 57 Custom Scenery/GCLP_Scenery_Pack/ 58 Custom Scenery/GCRR_Scenery_Pack/ 59 Custom Scenery/GCTS_3.0/ 60 Custom Scenery/GCXO_Scenery_Pack/ 61 Custom Scenery/Global Airports/ 62 G:\Custom Scenery\GMTT_Scenery_Pack/ 63 G:\Custom Scenery\HESH_Scenery_Pack/ 64 G:\Custom Scenery\KLGA - New York La Guardia/ 65 Custom Scenery/KSEA Demo Area/ 66 G:\Custom Scenery\LEAL_Scenery_Pack/ 67 G:\Custom Scenery\LEGE_Scenery_Pack/ 68 G:\Custom Scenery\LEMG_Scenery_Pack/ 69 G:\Custom Scenery\LEMH_Scenery_Pack/ 70 G:\Custom Scenery\LFCM Millau Larzac V1 XP10/ 71 G:\Custom Scenery\LFKF tdg/ 72 G:\Custom Scenery\LFLL_Scenery_Pack/ 73 Custom Scenery/LFMT/ 74 G:\Custom Scenery\LFMU Beziers Vias/ 75 G:\Custom Scenery\LFMV_Scenery_Pack/ 76 G:\Custom Scenery\LFNG Candillargues/ 77 G:\Custom Scenery\lfop/ 78 Custom Scenery/LFPG Paris - Charles de Gaulle/ 79 Custom Scenery/LOWI Demo Area/ 80 G:\Custom Scenery\LOWI Demo Area/ 81 Custom Scenery/LPFL_Scenery_Pack/ 82 G:\Custom Scenery\Mallorca_X_SC/ 83 Custom Scenery/MisterX_Library/ 84 Custom Scenery/NAPS_library/ 85 Custom Scenery/OpenSceneryX/ 86 G:\Custom Scenery\PARIS_DSF_2.5/ 87 G:\Custom Scenery\PARIS_suburbs_DSF/ 88 Custom Scenery/R2_Library/ 89 Custom Scenery/RD_Library/ 90 Custom Scenery/RE_Library/ 91 Custom Scenery/RescueX_Lib/ 92 Custom Scenery/RescueX_Terrain/ 93 Custom Scenery/ruscenery/ 94 Custom Scenery/Shortcuts/ 95 Custom Scenery/SimHeaven_VFR-Aerials_World/ 96 Custom Scenery/SpainUHD/ 97 G:\Custom Scenery\Stonehenge/ 98 G:\Custom Scenery\TFFF_Scenery_Pack/ 99 Custom Scenery/The_Handy_Objects_Library/ 100 G:\Custom Scenery\The_Handy_Objects_Library/ 101 G:\Custom Scenery\TNCM/ 102 G:\Custom Scenery\Tor/ 103 G:\Custom Scenery\Uffington/ 104 G:\Custom Scenery\VFR-Landmarks_ES_Catalonia/ 105 G:\Custom Scenery\VFR-Landmarks_FR_Toulon/ 106 Custom Scenery/Windsock Real flag sync/ 107 Custom Scenery/world-models/ 108 G:\Custom Scenery\World2XPlane-0.6.0/ 109 Custom Scenery/XAirportScenery/ 110 Custom Scenery/y_SpainUHD_LC_BAL/ 111 Custom Scenery/y_SpainUHD_LC_CAN/ 112 Custom Scenery/y_SpainUHD_LC_MED/ 113 Custom Scenery/y_SpainUHD_LC_NOR/ 114 Custom Scenery/y_SpainUHD_LC_POR/ 115 Custom Scenery/y_SpainUHD_LC_SUR/ 116 Custom Scenery/yOrtho4XP_Overlays/ 117 G:\Custom Scenery\YPAD Adelaide Airport Photoreal/ 118 G:\Custom Scenery\YPPF Parafield Airport and Adelaide City Photoreal/ 119 G:\Custom Scenery\z+32-017_P_Madeira_x17/ 120 G:\Custom Scenery\z+35+014_GB_Malta_bx18/ 121 G:\Custom Scenery\z+35-006_MA_Tanger_gx17/ 122 G:\Custom Scenery\z+35-007_MA_Tanger_gx17/ 123 G:\Custom Scenery\z+36-005_E_Malaga_bx17/ 124 G:\Custom Scenery\z+36-006_E_Gibraltar_bx17/ 125 G:\Custom Scenery\z+36-007_E_Cadiz_bx17/ 126 G:\Custom Scenery\z+38+008_I_Teulada_bx17/ 127 G:\Custom Scenery\z+39+004_E_Menorca_gx17/ 128 G:\Custom Scenery\z+39+008_I_Oristano_bx17/ 129 G:\Custom Scenery\z+39+009_I_Cagliari_bx17/ 130 G:\Custom Scenery\z+40+003_E_Menorca_gx17/ 131 G:\Custom Scenery\z+40+004_E_Menorca_gx17/ 132 G:\Custom Scenery\z+40+008_I_Alghero_bx17/ 133 G:\Custom Scenery\z+40+009_I_Olbia_bx17/ 134 G:\Custom Scenery\z+41+002_E_Barcelona_bx17/ 135 G:\Custom Scenery\z+41+003_E_Palafrugell_bx17/ 136 G:\Custom Scenery\z+41+008_F_Corsica_gx17/ 137 G:\Custom Scenery\z+41+009_F_Corsica_gx17/ 138 G:\Custom Scenery\z+41+012_I_Roma_bx17/ 139 G:\Custom Scenery\z+41-002_E_Calatayud_bx17/ 140 G:\Custom Scenery\z+42+000_E_Graus_bx17/ 141 G:\Custom Scenery\z+42+001_E_Andorra_bx17/ 142 G:\Custom Scenery\z+42+002_E_Figueres_bx17/ 143 G:\Custom Scenery\z+42+003_E_Ampuriabrava_bx17/ 144 G:\Custom Scenery\z+42+008_F_Corsica_gx17/ 145 G:\Custom Scenery\z+42+009_F_Corsica_gx17/ 146 G:\Custom Scenery\z+42-001_E_Huesca_bx17/ 147 G:\Custom Scenery\z+43+000_F_Tarbes_bx17/ 148 G:\Custom Scenery\z+43+001_F_Toulouse_bx17/ 149 G:\Custom Scenery\z+43+002_F_Carcassonne_bx17/ 150 G:\Custom Scenery\z+43+005_F_Marseille_bx17/ 151 G:\Custom Scenery\z+43+006_F_Cannes_bx17/ 152 G:\Custom Scenery\z+43+007_I_San_Remo_bx17/ 153 G:\Custom Scenery\z+43+008_I_Imperia_bx17/ 154 G:\Custom Scenery\z+43+009_I_Capraia_bx17/ 155 G:\Custom Scenery\z+43+010_I_Pisa_bx17/ 156 G:\Custom Scenery\z+43+011_I_Firenze_bx17/ 157 G:\Custom Scenery\z+43+012_I_Perugia_bx17/ 158 G:\Custom Scenery\z+43-001_F_Pau_bx17/ 159 G:\Custom Scenery\z+43-002_F_Biarritz_bx17/ 160 G:\Custom Scenery\z+43-003_E_Bilbao_bx17/ 161 G:\Custom Scenery\z+44+000_F_Agen_bx17/ 162 G:\Custom Scenery\z+44+001_F_Cahors_bx17/ 163 G:\Custom Scenery\z+44+002_F_Rodez_bx17/ 164 G:\Custom Scenery\z+44+003_F_Mende_bx17/ 165 G:\Custom Scenery\z+44+004_F_Montelimar_bx17/ 166 G:\Custom Scenery\z+44+005_F_Carpentras_bx17/ 167 G:\Custom Scenery\z+44+006_F_Gap_bx17/ 168 G:\Custom Scenery\z+44+007_I_Cuneo_bx17/ 169 G:\Custom Scenery\z+44+008_I_Genova_bx17/ 170 G:\Custom Scenery\z+44+009_I_La_Spezia_bx17/ 171 G:\Custom Scenery\z+44+010_I_Parma_bx17/ 172 G:\Custom Scenery\z+44+011_I_Bologna_bx17/ 173 G:\Custom Scenery\z+44+012_I_Ravenna_bx17/ 174 G:\Custom Scenery\z+44-002_F_Arcachon_bx17/ 175 G:\Custom Scenery\z+45+000_F_Perigueux_bx17/ 176 G:\Custom Scenery\z+45+001_F_Limoges_bx17/ 177 G:\Custom Scenery\z+45+002_F_Ussel_bx17/ 178 G:\Custom Scenery\z+45+003_F_Clermont-Ferrand_bx17/ 179 G:\Custom Scenery\z+45+004_F_Lyon_bx17/ 180 G:\Custom Scenery\z+45+005_F_Grenoble_bx17/ 181 G:\Custom Scenery\z+45+006_F_Albertville_bx17/ 182 G:\Custom Scenery\z+45+007_I_Torino_bx17/ 183 G:\Custom Scenery\z+45+008_I_Milano_bx17/ 184 G:\Custom Scenery\z+45+009_I_Bergamo_bx17/ 185 G:\Custom Scenery\z+45+010_I_Brescia_bx17/ 186 G:\Custom Scenery\z+45+011_I_Padova_bx17/ 187 G:\Custom Scenery\z+45+012_I_Venezia_bx17/ 188 G:\Custom Scenery\z+45-001_F_Cognac_bx17/ 189 G:\Custom Scenery\z+45-002_F_Royan_bx17/ 190 G:\Custom Scenery\z+46+000_F_Poitiers_bx17/ 191 G:\Custom Scenery\z+46+001_F_Chateauroux_bx17/ 192 G:\Custom Scenery\z+46+002_F_Montlucon_bx17/ 193 G:\Custom Scenery\z+46+003_F_Vichy_bx17/ 194 G:\Custom Scenery\z+46+005_F_Bourg_bx17/ 195 G:\Custom Scenery\z+46+006_CH_Genf_bx17/ 196 G:\Custom Scenery\z+46+007_CH_Thun_bx17/ 197 G:\Custom Scenery\z+46+008_CH_Locarno_bx17/ 198 G:\Custom Scenery\z+46+009_CH_Davos_bx17/ 199 G:\Custom Scenery\z+46+010_I_Bormio_bx17/ 200 G:\Custom Scenery\z+46+011_I_Brixen_bx17/ 201 G:\Custom Scenery\z+46+012_I_Belluno_bx17/ 202 G:\Custom Scenery\z+46-001_F_Niort_bx17/ 203 G:\Custom Scenery\z+46-002_F_La_Rochelle_bx17/ 204 G:\Custom Scenery\z+46-003_F_Lile_dYeu_bx17/ 205 G:\Custom Scenery\z+47+000_F_Tours_bx17/ 206 G:\Custom Scenery\z+47+001_F_Orleans_bx17/ 207 G:\Custom Scenery\z+47+002_F_Bourges_bx17/ 208 G:\Custom Scenery\z+47+003_F_Auxerre_bx17/ 209 G:\Custom Scenery\z+47+004_F_Montbard_bx17/ 210 G:\Custom Scenery\z+47+005_F_Dijon_bx17/ 211 G:\Custom Scenery\z+47+006_F_Besancon_bx17/ 212 G:\Custom Scenery\z+47+007_CH_Basel_bx17/ 213 G:\Custom Scenery\z+47+008_CH_Zuerich_bx17/ 214 G:\Custom Scenery\z+47+009_D_Konstanz_bx17/ 215 G:\Custom Scenery\z+47+010_D_Fuessen_bx17/ 216 G:\Custom Scenery\z+47+011_A_Innsbruck_bx17/ 217 G:\Custom Scenery\z+47+011_A_Innsbruck_gx17/ 218 G:\Custom Scenery\z+47+012_A_Kitzbuehel_bx17/ 219 G:\Custom Scenery\z+47+012_A_Kitzbuehel_gx17/ 220 G:\Custom Scenery\z+47-001_F_Angers_bx17/ 221 G:\Custom Scenery\z+47-002_F_Nantes_bx17/ 222 G:\Custom Scenery\z+47-003_F_St_Nazaire_bx17/ 223 G:\Custom Scenery\z+47-004_F_Lorient_bx17/ 224 G:\Custom Scenery\z+47-005_F_Quimper_bx17/ 225 G:\Custom Scenery\z+48+000_F_Le_Mans_bx17/ 226 G:\Custom Scenery\z+48+001_F_Dreux_bx17/ 227 G:\Custom Scenery\z+48+002_F_Paris_bx17/ 228 G:\Custom Scenery\z+48+003_F_Nogent_bx17/ 229 G:\Custom Scenery\z+48+004_F_Troyes_bx17/ 230 G:\Custom Scenery\z+48+010_D_Augsburg_bx17/ 231 G:\Custom Scenery\z+48+011_D_Muenchen_bx17/ 232 G:\Custom Scenery\z+48+012_D_Landshut_bx17/ 233 G:\Custom Scenery\z+48-001_F_Flers_bx17/ 234 G:\Custom Scenery\z+48-002_F_Rennes_bx17/ 235 G:\Custom Scenery\z+48-003_F_Lamballe_bx17/ 236 G:\Custom Scenery\z+48-004_F_Morlaix_bx17/ 237 G:\Custom Scenery\z+48-005_F_Brest_bx17/ 238 G:\Custom Scenery\z+48-006_F_Cazaux_bx17/ 239 G:\Custom Scenery\z+49+000_F_Le_Havre_bx17/ 240 G:\Custom Scenery\z+49+001_F_Rouen_bx17/ 241 G:\Custom Scenery\z+49+002_F_Beauvais_bx17/ 242 G:\Custom Scenery\z+49+003_F_Soisson_bx17/ 243 G:\Custom Scenery\z+49+004_F_Reims_bx17/ 244 G:\Custom Scenery\z+49-001_F_Caen_bx17/ 245 G:\Custom Scenery\z+49-002_F_Cherbourg_bx17/ 246 G:\Custom Scenery\z+49-006_GB_Mullion_gx17/ 247 G:\Custom Scenery\z+49-007_GB_Scilly_gx17/ 248 G:\Custom Scenery\z+50+000_GB_Eastbourne_gx17/ 249 G:\Custom Scenery\z+50+001_F_Calais_bx17/ 250 G:\Custom Scenery\z+50+002_F_Arras_bx17/ 251 G:\Custom Scenery\z+50+003_F_Lille_bx17/ 252 G:\Custom Scenery\z+50+004_B_Bruxelles_bx17/ 253 G:\Custom Scenery\z+50-001_GB_Brighton_gx17/ 254 G:\Custom Scenery\z+50-002_GB_Bournemouth_gx17/ 255 G:\Custom Scenery\z+50-003_GB_Weymouth_gx17/ 256 G:\Custom Scenery\z+50-004_GB_Exeter_gx17/ 257 G:\Custom Scenery\z+50-005_GB_Plymouth_gx17/ 258 G:\Custom Scenery\z+50-006_GB_Helston_gx17/ 259 G:\Custom Scenery\z+51+000_GB_Basildon_gx17/ 260 G:\Custom Scenery\z+51+001_GB_Kent_gx17/ 261 G:\Custom Scenery\z+51+002_B_Oostende_bx17/ 262 G:\Custom Scenery\z+51+003_NL_Domburg_bx17/ 263 G:\Custom Scenery\z+51+004_NL_Rotterdam_bx17/ 264 G:\Custom Scenery\z+51-001_GB_London_gx17/ 265 G:\Custom Scenery\z+51-002_GB_Oxford_gx17/ 266 G:\Custom Scenery\z+51-003_GB_Bristol_gx17/ 267 G:\Custom Scenery\z+51-004_GB_Cardiff_gx17/ 268 G:\Custom Scenery\z+51-005_GB_Camarthen_gx17/ 269 G:\Custom Scenery\z+51-006_GB_Milford_gx17/ 270 G:\Custom Scenery\z+51-008_IRL_Youghal_gx17/ 271 G:\Custom Scenery\z+51-009_IRL_Cork_gx17/ 272 G:\Custom Scenery\z+51-010_IRL_Kenmare_gx17/ 273 G:\Custom Scenery\z+51-011_IRL_Waterville_gx17/ 274 G:\Custom Scenery\z+52+000_GB_Cambridge_gx17/ 275 G:\Custom Scenery\z+52+001_GB_Norwich_gx17/ 276 G:\Custom Scenery\z+52+004_NL_Amsterdam_bx17/ 277 G:\Custom Scenery\z_SpainUHD_+41+001/ 278 Custom Scenery/z_SpainUHD_BAL_Ibiza-Formentera/ 279 Custom Scenery/z_SpainUHD_BAL_Mallorca-Menorca/ 280 Custom Scenery/z_SpainUHD_CAN_Fuerteventura-Lanzarote/ 281 Custom Scenery/z_SpainUHD_CAN_Gran_Canaria/ 282 Custom Scenery/z_SpainUHD_CAN_Hierro/ 283 Custom Scenery/z_SpainUHD_CAN_Palma-Gomera/ 284 Custom Scenery/z_SpainUHD_CAN_Tenerife/ 285 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+29+031/ 286 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+36-113/ 287 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+39-032/ 288 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+43+003/ 289 F:\X-Plane 11\Custom Scenery\zOrtho4XP_+43+003/ 290 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+43+004/ 291 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+43+005/ 292 Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+49-003/ 293 F:\X-Plane 11\Custom Scenery\zOrtho4XP_+49-003/ 294 Custom Scenery/zPhotoXP +14-061-062 18 Martinique-overlay/ 295 Custom Scenery/zPhotoXP +14-061-062 18 Martinique-terrain/ 296 G:\Custom Scenery\zPhotoXP_+42+006_16_Porquerolles_XP10_2012-10/ 297 G:\Custom Scenery\zPhotoXP_+52-001_16_Peterborough_XP10_2013-02/ 298 Custom Scenery/zz_LEBB/ 299 G:\Custom Scenery\zzz_hd_global_scenery/ 300 G:\Custom Scenery\zzz_new_zealand/ 301 G:\Custom Scenery\zzz_new_zealand_overlay/ 302 Global Scenery/X-Plane 11 Demo Areas/ 303 Global Scenery/X-Plane 11 Global Scenery/ 304 Resources/default scenery/1000 autogen/ 305 Resources/default scenery/1000 decals/ 306 Resources/default scenery/1000 forests/ 307 Resources/default scenery/1000 roads/ 308 Resources/default scenery/1000 urban terrain/ 309 Resources/default scenery/1000 world terrain/ 310 Resources/default scenery/700 roads/ 311 Resources/default scenery/900 beaches/ 312 Resources/default scenery/900 europe objects/ 313 Resources/default scenery/900 forests/ 314 Resources/default scenery/900 roads/ 315 Resources/default scenery/900 us objects/ 316 Resources/default scenery/900 world object placeholders/ 317 Resources/default scenery/airport decals/ 318 Resources/default scenery/airport scenery/ 319 Resources/default scenery/default apt dat/ 320 Resources/default scenery/default atc/ 321 Resources/default scenery/sim objects/ 322 Resources/tutorials/tutorials_Alaska/ 323 Resources/tutorials/tutorials_Hawaii/ 324 Resources/tutorials/tutorials_Seattle/ 0:00:00.000 D/HID: HID Bridge Running Fetching plugins for Custom Scenery/GCTS_3.0/plugins Loaded: Custom Scenery/GCTS_3.0/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.GCTS_3.0). Fetching plugins for G:\Custom Scenery\LFCM Millau Larzac V1 XP10/plugins Loaded: G:\Custom Scenery\LFCM Millau Larzac V1 XP10/plugins/GroundTraffic/64/win.xpl (Marginal.GroundTraffic.LFCM Millau Larzac V1 XP10). Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_E_1_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_E_1_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_E_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_E_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_E_{@Y}_MIL_{^u}_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_J_{@Y}_PAX_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_J_{@Y}_PAX_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_G_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_F_{@R}_{no-entry}_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_B_{@R}_18-36_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_C_{@R}_18-36_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_D_{@R}_18-36_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_E_{@R}_18_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_E_{@R}_18_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_D_{@R}_18-36' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_C_{@R}_18-36_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}B_{@R}_18-36_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_A_{@R}_36_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_A_{@R}_36_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_F_{@R}_{no-entry}_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_G_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_G_{@R}_36-18_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_G_{@R}_36-18_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_J_{@R}_36-18_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_J_{@R}_36-18_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_E_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_E_{@Y}_D_{^l}' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_E_{@Y}_D_{^r}_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_D_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_D_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_E_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_E_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_E_{@Y}_C_{^l}_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_C_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_C_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_A_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_A_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_A_{@Y}_C_{^r}_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_A_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_A_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_A_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_A_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_A_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_A_{@Y}_B_{^l}_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_A_{@Y}_B_{^r}_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_B_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_B_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_A_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_A_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_A_{@Y}_A_1_{^lu}_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_A_1_{@Y}_{^lu}_36_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_A1_{@Y}_{^lu}_36_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_A_{@Y}_{^u}_36_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_A_{@Y}_{^u}_36_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_A_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_A_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_A_1_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_A_1_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_A_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_B_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_B_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_B_{@Y}_A_{^r}' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_B_{@Y}_{^r}_A_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_E_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_E_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_C_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_C_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_C_{@Y}_{^l}_A_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_C_{@Y}_{^r}_E_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_E_{@Y}_{^l}_MIL_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_D_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_D_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_E_{@Y}_{^ru}_E_1_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_E_{@Y}_{^lu}_MIL_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_E_1_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) Could not find tile 48 name is open-frame Could not find tile 50 name is ^l Could not find tile 49 name is close-frame (in sign '{@L}_E_{^l}_' from airport LFTW:Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/apt.dat) ATC audio initialized. Initializing off screen memory. Initializing off screen memory complete. 0:00:09.164 W/WARNING: airport %s (%s) has an 850-style runway with water as a surface type. : Paris 0:00:09.164 W/WARNING: airport %s (%s) has an 850-style runway with water as a surface type. : Paris 0:00:09.164 W/WARNING: airport %s (%s) has an 850-style runway with water as a surface type. : Paris 0:00:09.164 W/WARNING: airport %s (%s) has an 850-style runway with water as a surface type. : Paris 0:00:09.164 W/WARNING: airport %s (%s) has an 850-style runway with water as a surface type. : Paris 0:00:09.164 W/WARNING: airport %s (%s) has an 850-style runway with water as a surface type. : Paris 0:00:09.164 W/WARNING: airport %s (%s) has an 850-style runway with water as a surface type. : Paris 0:00:09.164 W/WARNING: airport %s (%s) has an 850-style runway with water as a surface type. : Paris 0:00:30.750 I/REN: Setting texture resolution read from prefs as 3 0:00:30.750 I/REN: Setting |draw view indicator read from prefs as 1. 0:00:30.750 I/REN: Setting |dim under high G-load or hypoxia read from prefs as 1. 0:00:30.750 I/REN: Setting |draw hi-res planet textures from orbit read from prefs as 1. 0:00:30.750 I/REN: Setting |draw forest fires and balloons read from prefs as 0. 0:00:30.750 I/REN: Setting |draw birds and deer in nice weather read from prefs as 1. 0:00:30.750 I/REN: Setting |draw aircraft carriers and frigates read from prefs as 1. 0:00:30.750 I/REN: Setting |draw Aurora Borealis read from prefs as 0. 0:00:30.750 I/REN: Setting |runways follow terrain contours read from prefs as 0. 0:00:30.750 I/REN: Setting |3-d drawing detail read from prefs as 3. 0:00:30.750 I/REN: Setting |water reflection detail read from prefs as 0. 0:00:30.750 I/REN: Setting |draw parked aircraft at airports read from prefs as 0. 0:00:30.750 I/REN: Setting compress textures to save VRAM read from prefs as 1. 0:00:30.750 I/REN: Setting |Effects read from prefs as 3. 0:00:30.750 I/REN: Setting |3-d shadows read from prefs as 0. 0:00:30.750 I/REN: Setting |HDR anti-aliasing read from prefs as 2. 0:00:30.750 I/REN: Setting |draw volumetric fog read from prefs as 1. 0:00:30.750 I/REN: Setting |draw per pixel lighting read from prefs as 1. 0:00:30.750 I/REN: Setting |atmospheric scattering read from prefs as 1. 0:01:10.922 I/NET: Wireless Network Connection 2a01:cb1d:82cf:1000:d833:527:ea73:7bae 0:01:10.922 I/NET: Wireless Network Connection 2a01:cb1d:82cf:1000:bdc3:64db:e433:9ffb 0:01:10.922 I/NET: Wireless Network Connection 0:01:10.922 I/NET: Teredo Tunneling Pseudo-Interface 2001:0:9d38:6abd:1056:32f:a93e:1769 0:01:11.275 D/HID: Hardware ADDED(044f, b106) - T.Flight Stick X at path \\?\hid#vid_044f&pid_b106#6&3c9e834&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030} 0:01:11.275 I/JOY: REGISTER Joystick device: T.Flight Stick X - VID:1103PID:45318, this is a familiar device. 0:01:11.275 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 0 (HID_Page_Button/01) for handle: 0000000082756310 0:01:11.275 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 1 (HID_Page_Button/02) for handle: 0000000082756310 0:01:11.275 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 2 (HID_Page_Button/03) for handle: 0000000082756310 0:01:11.275 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 3 (HID_Page_Button/04) for handle: 0000000082756310 0:01:11.275 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 4 (HID_Page_Button/05) for handle: 0000000082756310 0:01:11.275 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 5 (HID_Page_Button/06) for handle: 0000000082756310 0:01:11.275 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 6 (HID_Page_Button/07) for handle: 0000000082756310 0:01:11.275 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 7 (HID_Page_Button/08) for handle: 0000000082756310 0:01:11.275 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 8 (HID_Page_Button/09) for handle: 0000000082756310 0:01:11.275 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 9 (HID_Page_Button/0a) for handle: 0000000082756310 0:01:11.275 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 10 (HID_Page_Button/0b) for handle: 0000000082756310 0:01:11.275 D/HID: BUTTON Added Index: 11 (HID_Page_Button/0c) for handle: 0000000082756310 0:01:11.275 D/HID: HATSWITCH Added Index: 0 (HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_Hatswitch) for handle: 0000000082756310. It has 8 positions. 0:01:11.275 D/HID: AXIS Added Index: 0 (HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_Slider) for handle: 0000000082756310. Min/Max 0 - 255 0:01:11.275 D/HID: AXIS Added Index: 1 (HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_Rz) for handle: 0000000082756310. Min/Max 0 - 255 0:01:11.275 D/HID: AXIS Added Index: 2 (HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_Y) for handle: 0000000082756310. Min/Max 0 - 255 0:01:11.275 D/HID: AXIS Added Index: 3 (HID_Page_GenericDesktop/HID_Usage_GD_X) for handle: 0000000082756310. Min/Max 0 - 255 0:01:11.275 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/2b) for handle: 0000000082756310 because of usage page. 0:01:11.275 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/2a) for handle: 0000000082756310 because of usage page. 0:01:11.275 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/29) for handle: 0000000082756310 because of usage page. 0:01:11.275 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/28) for handle: 0000000082756310 because of usage page. 0:01:11.275 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/27) for handle: 0000000082756310 because of usage page. 0:01:11.275 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/26) for handle: 0000000082756310 because of usage page. 0:01:11.275 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/25) for handle: 0000000082756310 because of usage page. 0:01:11.275 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/24) for handle: 0000000082756310 because of usage page. 0:01:11.275 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/23) for handle: 0000000082756310 because of usage page. 0:01:11.275 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/22) for handle: 0000000082756310 because of usage page. 0:01:11.275 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/21) for handle: 0000000082756310 because of usage page. 0:01:11.275 D/HID: SKIPPED (ff00/20) for handle: 0000000082756310 because of usage page. 0:01:11.275 D/HID: END HARDWARE 0:01:11.275 D/STM: Transitioning from state state_InitialLoading to state_QuickFlightWizard 0:01:11.275 I/WIN: Opened window Primary V11 UI 0:01:13.236 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:01:13.236 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:01:14.237 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:01:14.237 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:01:15.238 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:01:15.238 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:01:16.239 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:01:16.239 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:01:17.738 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:01:17.738 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:01:18.738 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:01:18.738 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:01:19.738 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:01:19.738 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:01:20.740 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:01:20.740 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:01:21.741 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:01:21.741 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:01:22.742 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:01:22.742 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:01:23.744 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:01:23.744 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:01:24.745 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:01:24.745 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:01:25.747 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:01:25.747 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:01:26.748 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:01:26.748 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:01:27.750 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:01:27.750 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:01:28.623 I/FCG: Applying changes from Flight Configuration screen 0:01:28.623 I/FCG: Starting new flight in Aircraft/Laminar Research/Baron B58/Baron_58.acf at Runway 36 0:01:28.630 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at LFBO and LFBO! 0:01:28.630 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at LFBO and LFBO! 0:01:28.630 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at LFBO and LFBO! 0:01:28.630 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at LEPA and LEPA! 0:01:28.630 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at LEPA and LEPA! 0:01:28.630 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at LEPA and LEPA! 0:01:28.630 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at LEPA and LEPA! 0:01:28.630 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at LEPA and LEPA! 0:01:28.630 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at LEPA and LEPA! 0:01:28.630 W/ATC: Found overlapping airports with overlapping controller freqs at LESB and LESB! 0:01:28.630 W/ATC: Rewrote LFBO atc_ControllerRole_Del's freq: 1217Clean exit from threads. 0:01:56.887 I/FLT: Init dat_p0 type:loc_tak apt:LFTW rwy:36 0:02:07.773 I/SCN: DSF load time: 45995 for file G:\Custom Scenery\aa-LFLL Lyon/Earth nav data/+40+000/+44+004.dsf (0 tris) 0:02:07.773 I/SCN: DSF load time: 13614784 for file Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+40+000/+44+004.dsf (0 tris) 0:02:07.773 I/SCN: DSF load time: 19482225 for file Custom Scenery/SimHeaven_VFR-Aerials_World/Earth nav data/+40+000/+44+004.dsf (0 tris) 0:02:07.773 I/SCN: DSF load time: 33045005 for file Custom Scenery/SimHeaven_VFR-Aerials_World/Earth nav data/+40+000/+42+002.dsf (0 tris) 0:02:07.773 I/SCN: DSF load time: 1570882 for file G:\Custom Scenery\VFR-Landmarks_ES_Catalonia/Earth nav data/+40+000/+42+002.dsf (0 tris) 0:02:07.773 I/SCN: DSF load time: 37478345 for file G:\Custom Scenery\z+44+002_F_Rodez_bx17/Earth nav data/+40+000/+44+002.dsf (1648312 tris) 0:02:07.773 I/SCN: DSF load time: 16862340 for file G:\Custom Scenery\z+42+002_E_Figueres_bx17/Earth nav data/+40+000/+42+002.dsf (1440474 tris) 0:02:07.773 I/SCN: DSF load time: 19333539 for file G:\Custom Scenery\z+44+004_F_Montelimar_bx17/Earth nav data/+40+000/+44+004.dsf (1678144 tris) 0:02:07.773 I/DSF: Warning for missing scenery file: +42+004 0:02:07.773 I/SCN: DSF load time: 593456 for file Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+40+000/+42+003.dsf (0 tris) 0:02:07.773 I/SCN: DSF load time: 610958 for file G:\Custom Scenery\LFCM Millau Larzac V1 XP10/Earth nav data/+40+000/+44+003.dsf (0 tris) 0:02:07.773 I/SCN: DSF load time: 1225636 for file Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+40+000/+44+005.dsf (0 tris) 0:02:07.773 I/SCN: DSF load time: 734277 for file Custom Scenery/SimHeaven_VFR-Aerials_World/Earth nav data/+40+000/+44+003.dsf (0 tris) 0:02:07.773 I/SCN: DSF load time: 755615 for file Custom Scenery/SimHeaven_VFR-Aerials_World/Earth nav data/+40+000/+42+003.dsf (0 tris) 0:02:07.773 I/SCN: DSF load time: 127750 for file Custom Scenery/SimHeaven_VFR-Aerials_World/Earth nav data/+40+000/+44+005.dsf (0 tris) 0:02:07.773 I/SCN: DSF load time: 116570 for file Custom Scenery/y_SpainUHD_LC_MED/Earth nav data/+40+000/+42+003.dsf (0 tris) 0:02:07.773 I/SCN: DSF load time: 4221299 for file G:\Custom Scenery\z+42+003_E_Ampuriabrava_bx17/Earth nav data/+40+000/+42+003.dsf (250946 tris) 0:02:07.773 I/DSF: Warning for missing scenery file: +42+005 0:02:07.773 I/SCN: DSF load time: 24445415 for file G:\Custom Scenery\z+44+003_F_Mende_bx17/Earth nav data/+40+000/+44+003.dsf (1612112 tris) 0:02:07.773 I/SCN: DSF load time: 24661337 for file G:\Custom Scenery\z+44+005_F_Carpentras_bx17/Earth nav data/+40+000/+44+005.dsf (1641698 tris) 0:02:07.773 I/SCN: DSF load time: 7232210 for file Custom Scenery/aa-LFML Marseille Provence/Earth nav data/+40+000/+43+005.dsf (0 tris) 0:02:07.773 I/SCN: DSF load time: 3816135 for file Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+40+000/+43+005.dsf (0 tris) 0:02:07.773 I/SCN: DSF load time: 10953694 for file Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+40+000/+43+002.dsf (0 tris) 0:02:07.773 I/SCN: DSF load time: 199575 for file Custom Scenery/SimHeaven_VFR-Aerials_World/Earth nav data/+40+000/+43+002.dsf (0 tris) 0:02:07.773 I/SCN: DSF load time: 239419 for file Custom Scenery/SimHeaven_VFR-Aerials_World/Earth nav data/+40+000/+43+005.dsf (0 tris) 0:02:07.773 I/SCN: DSF load time: 12297990 for file G:\Custom Scenery\VFR-Landmarks_FR_Toulon/Earth nav data/+40+000/+43+005.dsf (0 tris) 0:02:07.773 I/SCN: DSF load time: 27788697 for file G:\Custom Scenery\z+43+002_F_Carcassonne_bx17/Earth nav data/+40+000/+43+002.dsf (1643498 tris) 0:02:07.773 I/SCN: DSF load time: 16858658 for file Custom Scenery/yOrtho4XP_Overlays/Earth nav data/+40+000/+43+005.dsf (0 tris) 0:02:07.773 I/SCN: DSF load time: 3512968 for file G:\Custom Scenery\LFCM Millau Larzac V1 XP10/Earth nav data/+40+000/+43+003.dsf (0 tris) 0:02:07.773 I/SCN: DSF load time: 4186747 for file Custom Scenery/LFMT/Earth nav data/+40+000/+43+003.dsf (0 tris) 0:02:07.773 I/SCN: DSF load time: 649550 for file G:\Custom Scenery\LFMU Beziers Vias/Earth nav data/+40+000/+43+003.dsf (0 tris) 0:02:07.773 I/SCN: DSF load time: 143974 for file Custom Scenery/SimHeaven_VFR-Aerials_World/Earth nav data/+40+000/+43+003.dsf (0 tris) 0:02:07.773 I/SCN: DSF load time: 1859118 for file Custom Scenery/yOrtho4XP_Overlays/Earth nav data/+40+000/+43+003.dsf (0 tris) 0:02:07.773 I/SCN: DSF load time: 12821207 for file G:\Custom Scenery\z+43+005_F_Marseille_bx17/Earth nav data/+40+000/+43+005.dsf (1470571 tris) 0:02:07.773 I/SCN: DSF load time: 26485189 for file Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+43+003/Earth nav data/+40+000/+43+003.dsf (833598 tris) 0:02:07.773 E/SCN: Failed to find resource 'alouette3_mesh.dds', referenced from file 'Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/objects/'. 0:02:07.773 E/SCN: Failed to find resource 'alouette3_fuselage_right_t.dds', referenced from file 'Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/objects/'. 0:02:07.773 E/SCN: Failed to find resource 'alouette3_fuselage_left_t.dds', referenced from file 'Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/objects/'. 0:02:07.773 E/SCN: Failed to find resource 'alouette3_pilot.dds', referenced from file 'Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/objects/'. 0:02:07.773 E/SCN: Failed to find resource 'alouette3_misc_t.dds', referenced from file 'Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/objects/'. 0:02:07.773 E/SCN: Failed to find resource 'alouette3_interior.dds', referenced from file 'Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/objects/'. 0:02:07.773 E/SCN: Failed to find resource 'alouette3_tail_t.dds', referenced from file 'Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/objects/'. 0:02:07.773 E/SCN: Failed to find resource 'marquage_assp.dds', referenced from file 'Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/objects/'. 0:02:07.773 I/SCN: DSF load time: 2546385 for file Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/+40+000/+43+004.dsf (0 tris) 0:02:07.773 I/SCN: DSF load time: 21999 for file Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+40+000/+43+004.dsf (0 tris) 0:02:07.773 I/SCN: DSF load time: 880021 for file G:\Custom Scenery\LFNG Candillargues/Earth nav data/+40+000/+43+004.dsf (0 tris) 0:02:07.773 I/SCN: DSF load time: 394916 for file Custom Scenery/yOrtho4XP_Overlays/Earth nav data/+40+000/+43+004.dsf (0 tris) 0:02:07.773 I/SCN: DSF load time: 4436919 for file Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+43+004/Earth nav data/+40+000/+43+004.dsf (402626 tris) 0:06:41.711 W/ATC: Could not find an appropriate flow at LEPA...attempting to autogen one on the fly 0:06:41.711 W/ATC: Adding autogen'ed flow AUTOGEN: North to the list for LEPA 0:06:42.224 D/STM: Transitioning from state state_NormalLoading to state_Normal 0:06:42.224 I/FCG: Loading AI aircraft Aircraft/Laminar Research/Boeing B737-800/b738.acf 0:06:42.224 I/ACF: Loading airplane number 1 with Aircraft/Laminar Research/Boeing B737-800/b738.acf 0:06:42.235 I/FLT: Init dat_p1 type:loc_general_area lat:44.131921 lon:3.564819 ele(ft):35906.710360 psi:157.504807 spd(kts):239.719715 0:06:42.235 I/FCG: Loading AI aircraft Aircraft/Laminar Research/Cessna 172SP/Cessna_172SP.acf 0:06:42.235 I/ACF: Loading airplane number 2 with Aircraft/Laminar Research/Cessna 172SP/Cessna_172SP.acf 0:07:25.812 I/FLT: Init dat_p2 type:loc_general_area lat:44.137393 lon:3.863519 ele(ft):3979.624381 psi:297.870422 spd(kts):70.592376 0:07:25.812 I/FCG: Loading AI aircraft Aircraft/Laminar Research/Boeing B737-800/b738.acf 0:07:25.812 I/ACF: Loading airplane number 3 with Aircraft/Laminar Research/Boeing B737-800/b738.acf 0:07:40.627 I/FLT: Init dat_p3 type:loc_general_area lat:44.052343 lon:3.327312 ele(ft):39835.330336 psi:14.777061 spd(kts):269.187633 0:08:13.503 I/WIN: Opened window menu bar 0:08:13.503 I/WIN: Opened window Replay overlay 0:08:13.503 I/ATC: Aircraft p=1 (N01XP) started at LFTW:Military Ramp 13 0:08:13.503 I/FLT: Init dat_p1 type:loc_ram apt:LFTW start at:Military Ramp 13 0:08:13.503 I/ATC: p=2 (N02XP) Popup FP filed to LFTW at 5000 via , type=2 0:08:13.503 D/ATC: Validating altitude for p=2 (N02XP): filed: 5000 usable_rte_dist: 11.637723 maxDescent: 2000 maxAlt: 3000 minAlt: 5000 chosen_alt: 3000 0:08:13.503 D/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): Cleared IFR 0:08:13.503 I/FLT: Init dat_p2 type:loc_specify_lle lat:43.998489 lon:4.380365 ele(ft):5000.000038 psi:295.000000 spd(kts):122.249999 0:08:13.503 D/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): Fly Heading: 297 0:08:13.503 D/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): Maintain 2998ft 0:08:13.503 I/ATC: Aircraft p=2 (N02XP) started airborne as an arrival at 43.998489, 4.380365, 256.020081 0:08:13.503 I/ATC: Aircraft p=3 (N03XP) started at LFTW:Mil Cargo Ramp 8 0:08:13.503 I/FLT: Init dat_p3 type:loc_ram apt:LFTW start at:Mil Cargo Ramp 8 0:08:13.503 D/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): Fly Heading: 259 0:08:13.503 D/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): Maintain 2998ft 0:08:37.506 I/ATC: p=3 (N03XP) FP filed - LFTW to UMMG at 35000 via LTP FRI SUL ERL DRN WCL LOZ SIE GRD , type=2 0:08:37.706 D/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): Fly Heading: 87 0:08:37.706 D/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): Maintain 1998ft 0:08:37.813 D/ATC: Validating altitude for p=3 (N03XP): filed: 35000 usable_rte_dist: 818.796021 maxDescent: 204000 maxAlt: 204000 minAlt: 35000 chosen_alt: 35000 0:08:37.813 D/ATC: p=3 (N03XP): Cleared IFR 0:08:37.813 W/ATC: Frequency 11970 for flow Default Flow runway 18 at LFTW seemed invalid and was overwriten! 0:08:37.813 D/ATC: p=3 (N03XP): Squawk 4700 0:08:37.813 I/ATC: p=1 (N01XP) FP filed - LFTW to LYNI at 35000 via NIZ SAZ RIM ZDA KIS KRV , type=2 0:08:37.998 D/ATC: p=3 (N03XP): Taxi (11 points issued) 0:08:38.040 D/ATC: Validating altitude for p=1 (N01XP): filed: 35000 usable_rte_dist: 610.074463 maxDescent: 152000 maxAlt: 153000 minAlt: 35000 chosen_alt: 35000 0:08:38.040 D/ATC: p=1 (N01XP): Cleared IFR 0:08:38.040 D/ATC: p=1 (N01XP): Squawk 4701 0:08:38.173 D/ATC: p=1 (N01XP): Taxi (6 points issued) 0:09:51.559 D/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): Fly Heading: 147 0:10:44.113 D/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): Fly Heading: 177 0:10:44.113 D/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): Report Field in Sight 0:10:44.275 I/ATC: Adding p=2 (N02XP) into Active Queue 0:10:44.275 D/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): Contact controller on 123.20 0:10:44.275 D/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): FlyToPoints 0:10:44.275 D/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): Cleared VIS approach! 0:10:44.458 D/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): Switching frequency to 123.20 0:10:44.458 E/ATC: Operation CheckinWithATC failed with result 2 0:10:44.458 E/ATC: Contacting controller: LFME Tower 12320 0:10:44.458 E/ATC: Correct controller: LFTW Tower 12320 0:10:44.458 E/ATC: Aircraft p=2 (N02XP) was at 4.393959869 44.016149741 going 130 kias at heading 119 0:10:44.458 W/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): Wrist Slap! 0:10:44.576 I/ATC: Removing p=2 (N02XP) from Active Queue 0:10:44.576 I/ATC: p=2 (N02XP) Popup FP filed to LFTW at 5000 via , type=2 0:10:44.576 D/ATC: Validating altitude for p=2 (N02XP): filed: 5000 usable_rte_dist: 10.933134 maxDescent: 2000 maxAlt: 3000 minAlt: 5000 chosen_alt: 3000 0:10:44.576 D/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): Cleared IFR 0:10:44.576 I/FLT: Init dat_p2 type:loc_specify_lle lat:43.984470 lon:4.441644 ele(ft):5000.000038 psi:116.000000 spd(kts):122.249999 0:10:44.576 D/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): Fly Heading: 117 0:10:44.576 D/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): Maintain 2998ft 0:10:44.576 I/ATC: Aircraft p=2 (N02XP) started airborne as an arrival at 43.984470, 4.441644, 268.191437 0:10:44.576 D/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): Fly Heading: 184 0:10:44.576 D/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): Fly Heading: 207 0:10:44.576 D/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): Maintain 1998ft 0:15:35.703 D/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): Fly Heading: 177 0:15:35.703 D/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): Report Field in Sight 0:15:35.775 I/ATC: Adding p=2 (N02XP) into Active Queue 0:15:35.775 D/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): Contact controller on 123.20 0:15:35.775 D/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): FlyToPoints 0:15:35.775 D/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): Cleared VIS approach! 0:15:35.886 D/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): Switching frequency to 123.20 0:15:35.886 E/ATC: Operation CheckinWithATC failed with result 2 0:15:35.886 E/ATC: Contacting controller: LFME Tower 12320 0:15:35.886 E/ATC: Correct controller: LFTW Tower 12320 0:15:35.886 E/ATC: Aircraft p=2 (N02XP) was at 4.409793101 43.917391620 going 85 kias at heading -153 0:15:35.886 W/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): Wrist Slap! 0:15:35.964 I/ATC: Removing p=2 (N02XP) from Active Queue 0:15:35.964 I/ATC: p=2 (N02XP) Popup FP filed to LFTW at 5000 via , type=2 0:15:35.964 D/ATC: Validating altitude for p=2 (N02XP): filed: 5000 usable_rte_dist: 10.335463 maxDescent: 2000 maxAlt: 3000 minAlt: 5000 chosen_alt: 3000 0:15:35.964 W/ATC: Setting route alt to 3000 because they filed too high for a descent! 0:15:35.964 D/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): Cleared IFR 0:15:35.964 I/FLT: Init dat_p2 type:loc_specify_lle lat:43.630615 lon:4.657022 ele(ft):5000.000038 psi:204.000000 spd(kts):122.249999 0:15:35.964 D/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): Fly Heading: 205 0:15:35.964 D/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): Maintain 2998ft 0:15:35.964 I/ATC: Aircraft p=2 (N02XP) started airborne as an arrival at 43.630615, 4.657022, 178.023636 0:15:36.053 D/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): Fly Heading: 356 0:15:36.053 D/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): Maintain 2998ft 0:15:36.790 D/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): Fly Heading: 356 0:15:36.790 D/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): Maintain 2998ft 0:15:51.811 D/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): Fly Heading: 357 0:15:51.811 D/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): Maintain 2998ft 0:16:06.910 D/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): Fly Heading: 359 0:16:06.910 D/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): Maintain 2998ft 0:18:22.152 I/ATC: Adding p=3 (N03XP) into Hold Queue 0:18:22.152 D/ATC: p=3 (N03XP): Contact controller on 123.20 0:18:22.152 D/ATC: p=3 (N03XP): Switching frequency to 123.20 0:18:23.173 D/ATC: p=3 (N03XP) cannot depart because p=0 (N45XS ) is NORDO in the way on the ground. 0:18:25.217 D/ATC: p=3 (N03XP) cannot depart because p=0 (N45XS ) is NORDO in the way on the ground. 0:18:27.257 D/ATC: p=3 (N03XP) cannot depart because p=0 (N45XS ) is NORDO in the way on the ground. 0:18:29.301 D/ATC: p=3 (N03XP) cannot depart because p=0 (N45XS ) is NORDO in the way on the ground. 0:18:31.322 D/ATC: p=3 (N03XP) cannot depart because p=0 (N45XS ) is NORDO in the way on the ground. 0:18:33.386 D/ATC: p=3 (N03XP) cannot depart because p=0 (N45XS ) is NORDO in the way on the ground. 0:18:35.406 D/ATC: p=3 (N03XP) cannot depart because p=0 (N45XS ) is NORDO in the way on the ground. 0:18:37.442 D/ATC: p=3 (N03XP) cannot depart because p=0 (N45XS ) is NORDO in the way on the ground. 0:18:39.485 D/ATC: p=3 (N03XP) cannot depart because p=0 (N45XS ) is NORDO in the way on the ground. 0:18:41.507 D/ATC: p=3 (N03XP) cannot depart because p=0 (N45XS ) is NORDO in the way on the ground. 0:18:43.547 D/ATC: p=3 (N03XP) cannot depart because p=0 (N45XS ) is NORDO in the way on the ground. 0:18:45.580 D/ATC: p=3 (N03XP) cannot depart because p=0 (N45XS ) is NORDO in the way on the ground. 0:18:47.628 D/ATC: p=3 (N03XP) cannot depart because p=0 (N45XS ) is NORDO in the way on the ground. 0:18:49.686 D/ATC: p=3 (N03XP) cannot depart because p=0 (N45XS ) is NORDO in the way on the ground. 0:18:51.713 D/ATC: p=3 (N03XP) cannot depart because p=0 (N45XS ) is NORDO in the way on the ground. 0:18:53.750 D/ATC: p=3 (N03XP) cannot depart because p=0 (N45XS ) is NORDO in the way on the ground. 0:18:55.757 D/ATC: p=3 (N03XP) cannot depart because p=0 (N45XS ) is NORDO in the way on the ground. 0:18:57.808 D/ATC: p=3 (N03XP) cannot depart because p=0 (N45XS ) is NORDO in the way on the ground. 0:18:59.857 D/ATC: p=3 (N03XP) cannot depart because p=0 (N45XS ) is NORDO in the way on the ground. 0:19:01.893 D/ATC: p=3 (N03XP) cannot depart because p=0 (N45XS ) is NORDO in the way on the ground. 0:19:03.924 D/ATC: p=3 (N03XP) cannot depart because p=0 (N45XS ) is NORDO in the way on the ground. 0:19:05.964 D/ATC: p=3 (N03XP) cannot depart because p=0 (N45XS ) is NORDO in the way on the ground. 0:19:07.987 D/ATC: p=3 (N03XP) cannot depart because p=0 (N45XS ) is NORDO in the way on the ground. 0:19:10.030 D/ATC: p=3 (N03XP) cannot depart because p=0 (N45XS ) is NORDO in the way on the ground. 0:19:12.074 D/ATC: p=3 (N03XP) cannot depart because p=0 (N45XS ) is NORDO in the way on the ground. 0:19:14.121 D/ATC: p=3 (N03XP) cannot depart because p=0 (N45XS ) is NORDO in the way on the ground. 0:19:16.157 D/ATC: p=3 (N03XP) cannot depart because p=0 (N45XS ) is NORDO in the way on the ground. 0:19:18.177 D/ATC: p=3 (N03XP) cannot depart because p=0 (N45XS ) is NORDO in the way on the ground. 0:19:20.287 D/ATC: p=3 (N03XP) cannot depart because p=0 (N45XS ) is NORDO in the way on the ground. 0:19:20.544 I/ATC: Adding p=1 (N01XP) into Hold Queue 0:19:20.544 D/ATC: p=1 (N01XP): Contact controller on 123.20 0:10:08:03.112 I/SCN: DSF load time: 167 for file G:\Custom Scenery\aa-LFLL Lyon/Earth nav data/+40+000/+44+004.dsf (0 tris) 0:08:03.112 I/SCN: DSF load time: 1149145 for file Custom Scenery/SimHeaven_VFR-Aerials_World/Earth nav data/+40+000/+42+002.dsf (0 tris) 0:08:03.112 I/SCN: DSF load time: 34814 for file G:\Custom Scenery\VFR-Landmarks_ES_Catalonia/Earth nav data/+40+000/+42+002.dsf (0 tris) 0:08:03.112 I/SCN: DSF load time: 1546459 for file Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+40+000/+44+004.dsf (0 tris) 0:08:03.112 I/SCN: DSF load time: 140923 for file Custom Scenery/SimHeaven_VFR-Aerials_World/Earth nav data/+40+000/+44+004.dsf (0 tris) 0:08:03.112 I/SCN: DSF load time: 13500821 for file G:\Custom Scenery\z+42+002_E_Figueres_bx17/Earth nav data/+40+000/+42+002.dsf (1440474 tris) 0:08:03.112 I/SCN: DSF load time: 15148130 for file G:\Custom Scenery\z+44+002_F_Rodez_bx17/Earth nav data/+40+000/+44+002.dsf (1648312 tris) 0:08:03.112 I/SCN: DSF load time: 14168337 for file G:\Custom Scenery\z+44+004_F_Montelimar_bx17/Earth nav data/+40+000/+44+004.dsf (1678144 tris) 0:08:03.112 I/DSF: Warning for missing scenery file: +42+004 0:08:03.112 I/SCN: DSF load time: 66873 for file G:\Custom Scenery\LFCM Millau Larzac V1 XP10/Earth nav data/+40+000/+44+003.dsf (0 tris) 0:08:03.112 I/SCN: DSF load time: 80246 for file Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+40+000/+42+003.dsf (0 tris) 0:08:03.112 I/SCN: DSF load time: 137184 for file Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+40+000/+44+005.dsf (0 tris) 0:08:03.112 I/SCN: DSF load time: 176150 for file Custom Scenery/SimHeaven_VFR-Aerials_World/Earth nav data/+40+000/+42+003.dsf (0 tris) 0:08:03.112 I/SCN: DSF load time: 17193 for file Custom Scenery/y_SpainUHD_LC_MED/Earth nav data/+40+000/+42+003.dsf (0 tris) 0:08:03.112 I/SCN: DSF load time: 211471 for file Custom Scenery/SimHeaven_VFR-Aerials_World/Earth nav data/+40+000/+44+003.dsf (0 tris) 0:08:03.112 I/SCN: DSF load time: 208195 for file Custom Scenery/SimHeaven_VFR-Aerials_World/Earth nav data/+40+000/+44+005.dsf (0 tris) 0:08:03.112 I/SCN: DSF load time: 1933826 for file G:\Custom Scenery\z+42+003_E_Ampuriabrava_bx17/Earth nav data/+40+000/+42+003.dsf (250946 tris) 0:08:03.112 I/SCN: DSF load time: 5942295 for file G:\Custom Scenery\z+44+005_F_Carpentras_bx17/Earth nav data/+40+000/+44+005.dsf (1641698 tris) 0:08:03.112 I/SCN: DSF load time: 6041323 for file G:\Custom Scenery\z+44+003_F_Mende_bx17/Earth nav data/+40+000/+44+003.dsf (1612112 tris) 0:08:03.112 I/DSF: Warning for missing scenery file: +42+005 0:08:03.112 I/SCN: DSF load time: 16720 for file Custom Scenery/aa-LFML Marseille Provence/Earth nav data/+40+000/+43+005.dsf (0 tris) 0:08:03.112 I/SCN: DSF load time: 1319302 for file Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+40+000/+43+005.dsf (0 tris) 0:08:03.112 I/SCN: DSF load time: 117868 for file Custom Scenery/SimHeaven_VFR-Aerials_World/Earth nav data/+40+000/+43+005.dsf (0 tris) 0:08:03.112 I/SCN: DSF load time: 53584 for file G:\Custom Scenery\VFR-Landmarks_FR_Toulon/Earth nav data/+40+000/+43+005.dsf (0 tris) 0:08:03.112 I/SCN: DSF load time: 7120212 for file Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+40+000/+43+002.dsf (0 tris) 0:08:03.112 I/SCN: DSF load time: 259284 for file Custom Scenery/SimHeaven_VFR-Aerials_World/Earth nav data/+40+000/+43+002.dsf (0 tris) 0:08:03.112 I/SCN: DSF load time: 7638641 for file G:\Custom Scenery\z+43+002_F_Carcassonne_bx17/Earth nav data/+40+000/+43+002.dsf (1643498 tris) 0:08:03.112 I/SCN: DSF load time: 15961042 for file Custom Scenery/yOrtho4XP_Overlays/Earth nav data/+40+000/+43+005.dsf (0 tris) 0:08:03.112 I/SCN: DSF load time: 173345 for file G:\Custom Scenery\LFCM Millau Larzac V1 XP10/Earth nav data/+40+000/+43+003.dsf (0 tris) 0:08:03.112 I/SCN: DSF load time: 150140 for file Custom Scenery/LFMT/Earth nav data/+40+000/+43+003.dsf (0 tris) 0:08:03.112 I/SCN: DSF load time: 153104 for file G:\Custom Scenery\LFMU Beziers Vias/Earth nav data/+40+000/+43+003.dsf (0 tris) 0:08:03.112 I/SCN: DSF load time: 125367 for file Custom Scenery/SimHeaven_VFR-Aerials_World/Earth nav data/+40+000/+43+003.dsf (0 tris) 0:08:03.112 I/SCN: DSF load time: 452054 for file Custom Scenery/yOrtho4XP_Overlays/Earth nav data/+40+000/+43+003.dsf (0 tris) 0:08:03.112 I/SCN: DSF load time: 5001065 for file G:\Custom Scenery\z+43+005_F_Marseille_bx17/Earth nav data/+40+000/+43+005.dsf (1470571 tris) 0:08:03.112 I/SCN: DSF load time: 19978863 for file Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+43+003/Earth nav data/+40+000/+43+003.dsf (833598 tris) 0:08:03.112 I/SCN: DSF load time: 18036 for file Custom Scenery/aa-LFTW Garons/Earth nav data/+40+000/+43+004.dsf (0 tris) 0:08:03.112 I/SCN: DSF load time: 15055 for file Custom Scenery/Global Airports/Earth nav data/+40+000/+43+004.dsf (0 tris) 0:08:03.112 I/SCN: DSF load time: 29129 for file G:\Custom Scenery\LFNG Candillargues/Earth nav data/+40+000/+43+004.dsf (0 tris) 0:08:03.112 I/SCN: DSF load time: 425375 for file Custom Scenery/yOrtho4XP_Overlays/Earth nav data/+40+000/+43+004.dsf (0 tris) 0:08:03.112 I/SCN: DSF load time: 2718476 for file Custom Scenery/zOrtho4XP_+43+004/Earth nav data/+40+000/+43+004.dsf (402626 tris) 0:13:25.626 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:13:26.664 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:13:27.716 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:13:28.747 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:13:29.804 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:13:30.812 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:13:31.813 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:13:32.836 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:13:33.861 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:13:34.889 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:13:35.895 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:13:36.899 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:13:37.918 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:13:38.964 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:13:39.995 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:13:41.051 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:13:42.133 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:13:43.156 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:13:44.159 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:13:45.210 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:13:46.215 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:13:47.234 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:13:48.275 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:13:49.281 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:13:50.299 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:13:51.356 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:13:52.398 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:13:53.451 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:13:54.510 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:13:55.551 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:13:56.578 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:13:57.633 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:13:58.667 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:13:59.688 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:00.726 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:01.740 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:02.800 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:03.832 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:04.852 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:05.909 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:06.959 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:07.965 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:08.993 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:10.038 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:11.066 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:12.088 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:13.099 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:14.120 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:15.120 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:16.167 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:17.195 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:18.221 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:19.243 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:20.265 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:21.281 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:22.315 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:23.351 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:24.395 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:25.434 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:26.452 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:27.478 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:28.504 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:29.552 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:30.575 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:31.642 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:32.659 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:33.682 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:34.714 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:35.754 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:36.779 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:37.794 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:38.846 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:39.903 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:40.944 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:41.996 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:43.047 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:44.059 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:45.107 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:46.118 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:47.185 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:48.221 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:49.233 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:50.234 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:51.259 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:52.281 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:53.330 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:54.362 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:55.384 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:56.428 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:57.430 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:58.459 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:14:59.477 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:00.514 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:01.517 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:02.522 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:03.546 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:04.585 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:05.591 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:06.620 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:07.659 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:08.680 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:09.691 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:10.741 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:11.771 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:12.788 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:13.835 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:14.836 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:15.887 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:16.896 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:17.920 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:18.942 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:19.948 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:20.971 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:21.973 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:23.023 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:24.042 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:25.068 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:26.102 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:27.130 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:28.166 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:29.235 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:30.285 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:31.317 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:32.350 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:33.398 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:34.410 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:35.417 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:36.428 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:37.455 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:38.490 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:39.531 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:40.574 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:41.607 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:42.620 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:43.661 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:44.682 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:45.731 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:46.750 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:47.812 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:49.960 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:51.006 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:52.253 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:54.895 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:56.302 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:57.316 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:58.350 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:15:59.370 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:00.386 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:01.396 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:02.410 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:03.431 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:04.454 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:05.471 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:06.502 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:07.533 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:08.571 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:09.601 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:10.632 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:11.643 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:12.660 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:13.686 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:14.713 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:15.740 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:16.773 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:17.793 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:18.829 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:19.856 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:20.883 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:21.896 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:22.927 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:23.955 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:24.988 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:25.992 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:27.024 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:28.057 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:29.078 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:30.088 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:30.863 I/ATC: Adding p=1 (N01XP) into Hold Queue 0:16:30.863 D/ATC: p=1 (N01XP): Contact controller on 123.20 0:16:30.940 D/ATC: p=1 (N01XP): Switching frequency to 123.20 0:16:31.102 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:31.939 D/ATC: p=1 (N01XP): Taxi (6 points issued) 0:16:31.939 I/ATC: Removing p=1 (N01XP) from Hold Queue 0:16:31.939 I/ATC: Adding p=1 (N01XP) into Active Queue 0:16:32.133 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:33.147 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:34.183 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:35.195 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:36.224 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:37.227 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:38.261 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:39.277 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:40.308 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:41.337 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:42.344 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:42.383 I/ATC: Removing p=1 (N01XP) from Active Queue 0:16:43.350 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:44.360 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:45.375 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:46.389 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:47.424 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:48.451 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:49.458 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:50.477 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:51.497 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:52.510 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:53.542 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:54.575 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:55.578 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:56.605 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:57.624 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:58.659 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:16:59.684 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:00.719 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:01.748 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:01.825 D/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): Fly Heading: 87 0:17:01.825 D/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): Maintain 1998ft 0:17:02.774 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:03.801 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:04.831 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:05.863 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:06.899 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:08.067 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:09.105 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:10.107 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:11.118 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:12.131 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:13.155 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:14.188 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:15.189 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:16.202 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:17.227 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:18.253 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:19.272 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:20.279 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:21.294 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:22.322 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:23.334 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:24.349 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:25.359 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:26.367 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:27.377 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:28.377 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:29.381 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:30.404 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:31.441 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:32.457 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:33.462 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:34.475 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:35.478 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:36.488 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:37.519 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:38.536 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:39.545 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:40.567 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:41.609 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:42.641 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:43.668 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:44.702 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:45.735 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:46.762 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:47.805 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:48.810 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:49.879 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:50.911 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:51.953 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:52.977 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:54.010 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:55.018 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:56.039 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:57.078 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:58.097 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:17:59.122 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:00.128 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:01.204 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:02.209 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:03.243 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:04.248 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:05.275 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:06.295 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:07.303 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:08.308 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:09.345 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:10.369 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:11.371 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:12.378 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:13.392 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:14.403 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:15.405 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:16.422 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:17.437 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:18.467 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:19.474 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:20.487 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:21.496 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:22.518 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:23.533 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:24.549 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:25.586 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:26.601 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:27.618 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:28.641 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:29.644 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:30.645 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:31.661 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:32.688 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:33.724 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:34.728 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:35.753 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:36.777 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:37.809 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:38.832 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:39.851 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:40.853 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:41.855 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:42.552 D/ATC: p=2 (N02XP): Fly Heading: 147 0:18:42.888 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:43.910 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:44.932 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:45.948 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:46.976 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:47.145 I/ATC: Adding p=1 (N01XP) into Hold Queue 0:18:48.016 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:48.591 D/ATC: p=1 (N01XP): Taxi (1 points issued) 0:18:48.591 I/ATC: Removing p=1 (N01XP) from Hold Queue 0:18:48.591 I/ATC: Adding p=1 (N01XP) into Active Queue 0:18:49.030 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:50.071 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:51.115 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:52.147 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:53.185 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:54.191 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:55.206 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:56.207 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:57.214 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:58.228 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:18:59.245 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:00.278 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:01.308 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:02.337 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:03.342 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:04.377 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:05.396 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:06.418 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:07.428 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:08.432 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:09.433 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:10.438 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:11.453 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:12.462 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:13.495 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:14.506 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:15.540 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:16.558 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:17.565 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:18.595 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:19.632 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:20.643 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:21.651 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:22.653 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:23.685 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:24.703 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:25.721 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:26.757 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:27.778 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:28.805 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:29.825 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:30.843 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:31.869 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:32.901 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:33.917 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:34.933 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:35.945 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:36.962 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:37.964 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:38.977 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:39.986 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:41.014 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:42.036 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:43.066 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:44.069 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:45.104 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:46.132 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:47.160 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:48.190 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:49.221 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:50.241 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:51.247 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:52.280 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:53.307 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:54.327 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:55.334 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:56.369 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:57.378 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:58.396 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:19:59.399 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:00.406 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:01.412 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:02.413 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:03.448 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:04.451 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:05.486 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:06.519 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:07.554 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:08.587 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:09.593 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:10.606 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:11.606 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:12.637 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:13.656 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:14.684 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:15.696 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:16.703 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:17.733 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:18.768 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:19.796 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:20.823 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:21.855 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:22.889 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:23.897 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:24.931 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:25.934 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:26.936 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:27.969 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:29.001 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:30.032 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:31.066 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:32.093 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:33.101 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:34.110 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:35.119 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:36.126 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:37.159 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:38.191 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:39.203 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:40.223 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:41.235 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:42.254 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:43.279 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:44.295 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:45.310 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:46.323 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:47.362 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:48.373 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:49.394 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:50.417 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:51.436 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:52.449 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:53.460 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:54.496 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:55.513 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:56.534 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:57.544 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:58.550 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:20:59.551 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:00.579 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:01.595 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:02.621 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:03.643 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:04.673 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:05.694 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:06.718 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:07.720 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:08.753 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:09.769 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:10.770 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:11.804 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:12.825 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:13.842 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:14.863 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:15.864 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:16.894 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:17.931 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:18.959 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:19.990 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:21.022 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:22.040 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:23.045 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:24.069 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:25.074 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:26.098 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:27.106 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:28.106 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:29.143 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:30.169 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:31.201 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:32.228 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:33.249 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:34.253 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:35.254 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:36.288 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:37.319 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:38.342 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:39.365 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:40.393 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:41.398 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:42.402 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:43.427 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:44.446 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:45.451 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:46.465 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:47.484 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:48.496 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:49.501 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:50.510 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:51.530 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:52.538 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:53.563 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:54.573 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:55.580 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:56.597 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:57.631 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:58.647 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:21:59.659 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:00.691 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:01.713 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:02.744 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:03.771 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:04.783 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:05.802 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:06.812 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:07.833 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:08.861 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:09.883 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:10.909 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:11.921 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:12.956 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:13.958 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:14.964 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:15.975 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:16.985 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:17.999 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:19.015 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:20.034 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:21.051 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:22.076 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:23.113 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:24.118 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:25.131 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:26.149 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:27.172 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:28.205 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:29.208 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:30.242 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:31.277 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:32.309 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:33.339 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:34.372 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:35.406 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:36.409 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:37.437 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:38.453 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:39.485 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:40.518 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:41.541 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:42.543 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:43.575 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:44.605 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:45.641 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:46.669 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:47.705 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:48.729 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:49.754 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:50.774 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:51.811 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:52.826 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:53.842 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:54.868 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:55.876 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:56.908 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:57.939 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:58.950 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:22:59.952 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:00.985 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:02.021 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:03.039 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:04.047 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:05.074 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:06.086 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:07.102 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:08.122 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:09.145 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:10.160 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:11.193 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:12.224 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:13.249 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:14.291 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:15.304 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:16.332 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:17.341 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:18.343 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:19.379 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:20.399 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:21.420 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:22.436 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:23.452 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:24.467 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:25.505 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:26.516 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:27.549 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:28.576 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:29.577 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:30.580 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:31.588 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:32.609 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:33.619 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:34.636 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:35.665 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:36.701 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:37.718 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:38.718 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:39.737 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:40.755 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:41.784 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:42.811 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:43.818 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:44.839 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:45.861 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:46.878 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:47.906 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:48.908 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:49.926 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:50.938 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:51.954 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:52.979 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:53.990 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:55.022 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:56.042 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:57.057 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:58.073 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:23:59.079 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:00.088 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:01.112 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:02.129 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:03.142 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:04.148 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:05.162 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:06.169 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:07.181 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:08.187 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:09.188 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:10.200 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:11.221 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:12.232 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:13.267 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:14.271 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:15.284 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:16.307 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:17.312 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:18.328 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:19.340 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:20.361 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:21.381 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:22.398 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:23.426 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:24.446 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:25.452 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:26.454 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:27.485 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:28.493 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:29.497 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:30.500 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:31.507 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:32.532 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:33.536 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:34.544 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:35.549 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:36.552 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:37.555 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:38.568 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:39.588 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:40.608 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:41.624 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:42.638 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:43.649 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:44.669 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:45.673 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:46.706 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:47.708 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:48.724 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:49.741 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:50.754 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:51.794 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:52.807 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:53.810 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:54.813 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:55.814 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:56.843 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:57.856 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:58.892 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:24:59.905 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:00.927 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:01.944 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:02.955 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:03.963 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:04.997 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:06.028 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:07.032 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:08.062 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:09.095 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:10.133 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:11.168 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:12.203 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:13.241 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:14.277 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:15.278 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:16.311 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:17.316 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:18.323 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:19.341 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:20.352 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:21.390 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:22.410 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:23.431 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:24.445 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:25.461 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:26.481 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:27.510 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:28.531 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:29.535 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:30.552 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:31.561 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:32.595 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:33.622 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:34.629 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:35.643 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:36.663 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:37.671 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:38.692 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:39.704 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:40.714 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:41.717 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:42.726 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:43.754 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:44.756 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:45.791 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:46.797 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:47.830 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:48.836 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:49.840 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:50.843 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:51.847 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:52.879 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:53.913 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:54.914 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:55.950 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:56.982 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:58.018 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:25:59.019 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:00.023 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:01.028 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:02.031 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:03.060 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:04.086 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:05.114 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:06.143 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:07.170 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:08.205 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:09.206 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:10.232 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:11.259 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:12.289 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:13.327 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:14.357 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:15.391 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:16.414 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:17.444 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:18.470 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:19.501 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:20.530 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:21.554 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:22.577 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:23.607 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:24.630 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:25.659 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:26.687 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:27.712 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:28.740 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:29.741 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:30.747 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:31.776 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:32.807 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:33.839 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:34.842 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:35.849 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:36.879 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:37.910 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:38.913 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:39.948 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:40.981 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:42.015 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:43.044 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:44.049 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:45.075 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:46.100 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:47.135 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:48.170 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:49.208 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:50.209 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:51.235 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:52.261 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:53.298 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:54.300 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:55.326 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:56.357 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:57.392 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:58.419 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:26:59.442 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:00.465 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:01.490 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:02.509 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:03.538 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:04.568 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:05.598 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:06.628 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:07.651 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:08.679 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:09.708 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:10.732 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:11.766 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:12.782 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:13.813 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:14.827 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:15.829 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:16.829 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:17.864 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:18.868 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:19.874 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:20.905 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:21.939 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:22.939 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:23.951 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:24.987 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:26.023 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:27.058 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:27.132 I/WIN: Opened window Settings 0:27:28.084 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:29.105 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:30.114 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:31.124 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:32.135 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:33.156 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:34.171 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:34.510 I/REN: Setting |Effects set to 1. 0:27:34.547 I/REN: Setting |Effects set to 0. 0:27:36.094 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:37.106 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:38.109 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:39.139 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:40.170 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:41.206 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:42.238 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:43.241 E/NET: Socket write of 29 bytes returned 10047 0:27:43.983 I/REN: Setting |3-d drawing detail set to 0. G64:1664.112: Livery Changed:(Old elegance radica) Folder:(Aircraft/Laminar Research/Baron B58/liveries/Old elegance radica/)