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asked by (12 points)
Hi. I try to install the Cerenado PC 12 on Xplane 11 and I am unable to see the plane. Yesterday I had an error code when installing and I was only able to ear the sound, with no PC 12. I tried to dowload again and reinstall in any folder: extra aircraft or Laminar, as it is said to do so, exactly the way it is supposed to be but no PC-12.

This is part of the yesterday's log text:

Initializing off screen memory complete.

Failed to open Aircraft/Laminar Research/PC12 HD SERIES XPLANE 11/objects/E1.obj: the file cannot be opened.

***Error with airplane "Aircraft/Laminar Research/PC12 HD SERIES XPLANE 11/Car_PC12.acf" (C:\jenkins\design-triggered\source_code\engine\veh\read\veh_planes_read.cpp: 1951.)

  X-Plane was unable to load the object file "Aircraft/Laminar Research/PC12 HD SERIES XPLANE 11/objects/E1.obj" that should be attached to this airplane. The file could be missing or unreadable.

Failed to open Aircraft/Laminar Research/PC12 HD SERIES XPLANE 11/objects/E2.obj: the file cannot be opened.

***Error with airplane "Aircraft/Laminar Research/PC12 HD SERIES XPLANE 11/Car_PC12.acf" (C:\jenkins\design-triggered\source_code\engine\veh\read\veh_planes_read.cpp: 1951.)

  X-Plane was unable to load the object file "Aircraft/Laminar Research/PC12 HD SERIES XPLANE 11/objects/E2.obj" that should be attached to this airplane. The file could be missing or unreadable.

Failed to open Aircraft/Laminar Research/PC12 HD SERIES XPLANE 11/objects/I1.obj: the file cannot be opened.

***Error with airplane "Aircraft/Laminar Research/PC12 HD SERIES XPLANE 11/Car_PC12.acf" (C:\jenkins\design-triggered\source_code\engine\veh\read\veh_planes_read.cpp: 1951.)

  X-Plane was unable to load the object file "Aircraft/Laminar Research/PC12 HD SERIES XPLANE 11/objects/I1.obj" that should be attached to this airplane. The file could be missing or unreadable.

Failed to open Aircraft/Laminar Research/PC12 HD SERIES XPLANE 11/objects/I2.obj: the file cannot be opened.

***Error with airplane "Aircraft/Laminar Research/PC12 HD SERIES XPLANE 11/Car_PC12.acf" (C:\jenkins\design-triggered\source_code\engine\veh\read\veh_planes_read.cpp: 1951.)

  X-Plane was unable to load the object file "Aircraft/Laminar Research/PC12 HD SERIES XPLANE 11/objects/I2.obj" that should be attached to this airplane. The file could be missing or unreadable.

I need some help. I was wondering if it can be a problem with my Xplane 11 software?


1 Answer

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answered by (14 points)

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