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Please see the official X‑Plane Support page for help.

0 votes
asked by (12 points)

Hi, I am having trouble loading up x plane 11. When I go  to fly before it loads it always comes up with a error message saying:

Couldn’t load the sound bank!

Master Bank.Bank


Could you please help me fix this problem. 


1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (19.3k points)
What aircraft do you see this with? If it is a default aircraft, you should run the installer and pick the update option. It will scan your install and replace any missing or modified default files, including sound files.
commented by (10 points)
How would I run the installer? Is it from the original disc for downloading XP11
commented by (19.3k points)
You can always download the latest version of the installer for any version of X-Plane on