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0 votes
asked by (12 points)

Hi everyone,

I recently discovered Ortho4xp which is amazing and I generated about 150 tiles. But my fps are dropping as I add more tiles into the simulator, I think Xplane loads ALL of them even if they are in another world region.

So I tried to disable tiles via Xorganizer to activate only the ones where I m flying and increase my fps and loading time.

Problem is, when I add (OR DELETE!) more that 4 tiles at once in Xorganizer, Xplane wont start and crash at the FIRST loading screen (before main menu). This is also the case when I generate 4 or more tiles at once and start Xplane. As if Xplane doesn't like big changes at once...

But if I restart my computer, then Xplane loads normally with the new tiles in it!

I am now in the situation where I have to restart my computer everytime I start a flight in another world region! I don't know where this problem comes from and I couldn't find any similar issue on the internet...

Can someone help me with this??

I join my log after a crash in case it might help

Thank you!

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (19.3k points)
Orthophoto tiles can be very resource intensive to use. Do you have this problem if you add or remove tiles manually, instead of using the organizer program? This is a truncated portion of the log, but it shows you have a lot of add ons in general, which can also cause problems. The more you add, the more variables there are to try to figure out what actually causes the problems. One test you can try is downloading a second copy with no add ons to see if just adding the orthophoto tiles still cause issues or not.