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Please see the official X‑Plane Support page for help.

0 votes
asked by (12 points)

imageDownload file

imageDownload file

imageDownload file

Good Day

I'm having trouble installing my X-Plane.

I installed the demo, then I bought the digital version, I deleted the demo files and tried to install the full version .... Come on!

I have two appointments;

1) I installed it on my computer and I did not have success, nor does the installation begin and I already have this error of the first image ....

2) I downloaded it to my notebook, installed it and started giving the error of the second image, ask it to do the update, then I went to try and give the error of the third image.

Also follow the last photo that is from the email I received deposited from making the purchase!

What can I do?

X-Plane Error

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (19.3k points)

The first image showed the X-Plane 10 installer. If you were trying to install X-Plane 11, please use the installer from here. Always make sure you are using the latest version of the installer. (For X-Plane 10, it is located here.)

Please make sure you install to the desktop to avoid issues with permissions. 

Beta 1 also has an issue installing some files if it is being installed to a user name that includes special characters (with accents, etc). We hope to have that fixed in a later beta version.
