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0 votes
asked by (20 points)
11.02 was working fine prior to the latest beta from Apple.  now it would launch but crashes after start.
it was working okay prior to the latest update, it was bit sluggish but at least it works...
anyone else having this issue...

can't post the log file since it's over 8000 characters :( :(
commented by (3.5k points)
Hi, other people seem to have issues with the latest Mac OS beta, but nobody reported a full crash so far..

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (19.3k points)
If you noticed a major change after updating the OS beta, I would definitely recommend that you inform Apple about it, in case it's something they can fix.

To include the log.txt, click the icon in the post options that looks like a black page with a plus on it. That should allow you to include images, text files, etc in your posts and replies.
commented by (20 points)

Here is the log file... i reported a bug on Apple side too, weird because some plane will work fine (MD-88) but sluggish... 737 and 747 along with some others will result in a crash 



commented by (19.3k points)

Hm, this log shows a normal shut down, not a crash. If you have another one you can submit a bug report (Mac doesn't have an auto report option like Windows does for X-Plane). Please include the log.txt from immediately after the crash and the Apple crash report. You can find them under your username /Libraries/Logs/DiagnosticReports. The name will include the date & time of the crash and will end in .crash. You may need to show hidden folders to access it.
