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Please see the official X‑Plane Support page for help.
When I run X-plane 11 I get the message that a new update is available. I click the link quit & upgrade, it downloads the upgrade then asks me if I wish to apply it. I click quit & upgrade again, the screen goes blank for about 2 seconds then drops me back to Windows 10 desktop. The upgrade having never been applied.
Here is the attached log file.
It sounds like there is a problem opening the newly downloaded installer. You can manually download & try a copy of it here. If it still won't work, linking to a copy of the installer log may provide more information.
Tried as you suggested above, it opens a blank window, then exits closing the window within half a second. Attached is the installation log.
installation log.txt
Thanks for getting back so quickly. No, other than the Microsoft firewall protection, it's just a generic version of Windows 10.
I captured some event logs from the event viewer. And linked a copy of the app crash report.
Report.wer If this helps any....
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