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0 votes
asked by (14 points)
this must be the reason i am unable to use xplane as the installer shows

"resources\sound\weather\hail.wav" having the wrong code as follows...

sig want= 5ac57fa9f60e96e787469dd9a519dd0a

sig have=d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e

whenever i try to use xplane it tells me to go to the updater to correct this issue but it looks like no updated has been done since 5th may even though i have probably used it (updater) about 20 times. its only today that i noticed on the log that "5th may" was last update !

i did have UWXP installed but i removed it sometime after 5th may in an attempt to solve my problem.

(i have also had good advice from others on this issue but today i noticed the "5th may" on the log

 and i believe this is the issue).

please help !

have not flown x plane since, you guessed, the "5th may" !

tks to all


1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (5.3k points)
Hi Jim,

I am not with Laminar Research; just a flight simmer from downunder.

Try running the installer file found in the root directory instead of the "updater".  When it runs it checks for corrupted files or missing files and then replaces or inserts the suspect files.

Good luck
