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0 votes
asked by (12 points)
Regarding the Grumman Goose package: I would like to purchase the Grumman Goose package that includes the Turbo-Goose, but I'm confused. The search engine link I found it on says it is for X-Plane 9.5 + (which I have) but when I found the package that has it at the site it says it is optimized for XP-10. Can someone please tell me if this pack will work in my X-Plane 9.7?  I don't want to spend $20.00 on it if I can't use it. Thank you for your time.



1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (449 points)
Your best bet is to contact the developer of the Grumman Goose. (Without their knowledge of the product, it's hard to say whether or not the download they're selling today is compatible with X-Plane 9, though there's no reason it *couldn't* be.)