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0 votes
asked by (18 points)
Want to know if the cockpit of the SF50 can be more like the real aircraft and the pressurization work so you can get the aircraft to it's advertised cruise altitude of 28,000 instead of what happens now being blacked out when you go past 15,000.

The touch screens are where the FMC and NAV are so not having those makes it not so realistic to fly.

Alot of the cockpit buttons don't seem to work ??

Your help in future updates would be really appreciated as the Cirrus SF50 is my fav aircraft and I only wish I could afford the 1.4M to be buy one in real life.



1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (19.3k points)
Hi William,

The SF50 is one aircraft that really needs the G1000 in order to function properly. We were not able to get that instrument ready in time for X-Plane 11.00, but it is at the top of our list for the next major update. Unfortunately that means you'll have to wait until then to really use the SF50 for accuracy.
commented by (17 points)
Will,  not sure what you are doing, but I have no problem climbing the SF50 to FL280.  I would look into that if I were you.

jroberts, please, oh please can we speed up the implementation at least of the GPS.  Trying to do long flights using only VOR's is starting to bore me, and stress me out at the same time.  Besides the 737, what sold me to buy this, was the fun I could have flying the SF50 on longer flights, and was disappointed you released the sim without a working GPS system on a VLJ I really looked forward to flying.  Just a small update involving this besides waiting for the next major update would be the best!!!