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+1 vote
asked by (16 points)
I want to share X-Plane 11 with my kids on different computers, but I want to avoid accidentally running two at the same time. Previously the USB key has been a convenient way to "check out" to one person at a time. Some of our computers do not have DVD drives.

Since the USB keys aren't available yet for 11, is there some other way to avoid running two instances at once?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (19.3k points)
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Best answer
Unfortunately I don't think we plan to bring back the USB home use key for X-Plane 11 at this time.

I think in this case there is some "grace period" where a small overlap would be ok. For example, there is a 7 day period where you are not locked out of the sim if your product key cannot be verified (kind of like an offline mode in some games). I believe if the key is used occasionally at the same time, it will not lock you out either. For a lot of simultaneous use or for networking multiple computers we do request purchasing additional keys. :)