Hello, my name is Joe Todaro. I am a student glider(sailplane) pilot; started on July 16, 2016, and loving every minute.
Previously, I flew hang gliders for 13 years (1979-1993); accumulated over 1,000 hours airtime; my longest duration flight lasted 5 hours. I earned my Advanced(hang 4) rating in 1984, and was a Basic Instructor one summer. I found this sport to be very relaxing, and the camaraderie was second-to-none. I loved every moment.
I was with IBM for 41 years (1973-2014). Here are just some of the roles I filled during that time: systems architect, database applications design/development, systems admin, automation design/development, network admin, web design/development, led numerous projects, etc. Anyway, I retired on January 1, 2014 so that I could pursue more of what I love to do -- soar.
I also enjoy Traditional Archery (e.g. longbow..without any sighting system); Fly Fishing; Boating; Flying Sailplanes; Moreover, I like to practice takeoffs and landings in various wind conditions using the X-Plane 11 beta, along my rudder pedals and joystick for amazing realism. Note that I have also used "Condor The Soaring Simulator" for competitions, but the scenery does not compare, in my opinion, to that of X-Plane 11's, which is why I came back; and outside of a few minor bugs, I think it's an amazingly realistic flight simulator which I believe will serve me well for practicing my real world takeoffs and landings and dead reckoning and pilotage, etc.