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asked by (14 points)
So the other day i bought xplane 10 , and i installed the 777worldliner and when i loaded it into the game it was all messed up like broken which was weird till one day it came up to activate the serial so i did. one day xplane corrupted on my computer so i redownloaded it on another profile and i have just bought all these payware aircraft and its doing the same thing except its not letting me activate them and its annoying cause i want to fly them all. i looked around on the web and it was a struggle to find a topic like it but even then the solution didn't seem english to me, so if anyone could please HELP ME !!!!!! if anyone has a fix for me could you please list step by step in easy terms so i understand quite clear :)))) i've bought over $350 worth of planes and need a fix PLZZ HELP love to all x :))))))))

Also I'm running Xplane 10.42 on MAC El Capitan

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (19.3k points)
Many third party payware aircraft require activation. I know the 777 Worldliner is one of those. If you have reinstalled X-Plane or updated the plane, it may need to be activated again.

Unfortunately there is no one-size-fits-all solution if you have many planes from multiple developers. If you are having problems with your activation codes, please see documentation that came with the aircraft, or contact the developer of the plane to see if it can be reset.
commented by (14 points)
Thanks for replying! its not that my activation codes dont work, its when i load up any payware for the first time, the aircraft is unusable and all the controls are all messed up over the cockpit. the problem is that the activation window that is suppose to pop up isnt coming up so i cant activate them.
commented by (19.3k points)
I've seen it happen too, but you'll have to check with each vendor individually. X-Plane doesn't provide DRM for third parties, so the set up varies for each payware aircraft. If the vendor discovers a problem with their custom DRM, they should investigate and possibly file a bug with us.