Hi haloboy9663,
You will get better value for money with a new windows based PC using a Nvidia graphics card as advised by amelingu instead of an AMD card. In going this way, you can progressively update components of your system as time passes. Make sure you have plenty of cooling in the PC case. X-Plane taxes both the CPU and the GPU and generates heat which needs to be dispersed. Although you can get very good gaming laptops your are restricted on what you can upgrade. Basically being a larger hard drive, preferably a SSD drive and extra ram, Endevour to go for the recommended system rather than the basic system in the links suggested by amelingu.
As you are a proposed first time user of X-Plane with XP11 don't go backwards to XP10. XP11 is much easier to setup
Before you go out and buy have a look at the following from Michael Brown at the following link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_YQMSeNM-M Not knowing where you reside, Michael is the recommended supplier of PCs for X-plane systems in the USA by Laminar Research.
By the way, I have no connection with XForcePC or Laminar Research.
Keep your Mac System for whatever use you use it for now.
Hope this also helps.