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0 votes
asked by (12 points)

Using the program (X-Plane 11.02r1), the mouse pointer turns into a square and moves not continuously but with clicks, resulting in a difficulty in use especially when selecting a drop-down menu.
Behavior is not reproducible in screenshots, so I had to make some photos of the screen of my MacBookAir.

macOS 10.13 (17A315i)

commented by (10 points)

Please remember this step as the primary reformation for the Windows 10 file explorer of the computer setting. This is also a medium of the review all the data in a good manner. But all the subjective information and indication in this

commented by (12 points)

I'll give you an update about the reported problem: it has been fixed in one of the previous X-Plane updates so the pointer now works correctly in the use of the program.

However, there remained a substantial similar problem in the X-Plane update menu, so the mouse pointer turns into a square and moves not continuously but with clicks.

The problem is particularly annoying when a mask appears that asks whether or not to overwrite the existing file, so it is almost impossible to choose between the options that require the choice between buttons to press.

Mac OS Mojave 10.14 (18A365a)

X-Plane 11.25r2

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (19.3k points)
Please attach a copy of the log.txt from inside the main X-Plane folder. It could also be an issue with the beta version of macOS you're using. X-Plane is only confirmed to work and tested on 10.12.
commented by (12 points)
commented by (19.3k points)

It looks like X-Plane is installed in the Applications folder, which can cause issues with permissions, especially during updates. 

Please see these instructions for how to move it. Then run the installer and pick the update option to make sure you have all default files intact. 

commented by (12 points)


I have followed your comment and I have dropped the X-Plane folder from Users/Applications to Users/Desktop; then I made the passages with Terminal, but after dropping the file downloaded in Terminal it doesn't ask for a PW.

Thank you anyway.

commented by (19.3k points)
It's possible that your install did not have permissions issues due to being installed in Applications, so the script may not be necessary. It's not a hard & fast rule--we've just had some issues with it in the past.