I am modeling airplane flight and would like to speed up the training a lot. Is there a way to run x-plane fully on the gpu without calculations for graphics?
I currently get and set parameters through the XPlaneConnect plugin and turn down as many graphics options as possible to speed up the calculations. Moving the x-plane window off screen helps too. I can reach a little more than 2X time acceleration, but would like to run at 4X (or much faster, like 100X).
My system:
X-Plane 11 Pro
Ubuntu 16
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080
i7-6700 3.4GHz (8 cores)
32 GB DDR4 2133 MHz
I realize Windows will run faster, so I am willing to consider a Windows machine, but even on Windows I would want to run as fast as possible.
Which leads back to my question... is there a way to run X-plane without graphics?