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0 votes
asked by (22 points)
Earlier this week, I registered my email address to receive the X-Plane News. As part of the incentive to sign up, I believed that X-Plane offered to send five (5) more planes to add to the default planes included in the original X-Plane 11 installation.  How does that work? Am I mistaken or did I not read it right?   If someone out there knows what I'm talking about, I would really appreciate a reply to help my understanding.  Thanks.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered by (19.3k points)
After signing up you should have received an email with the info & links. Check your spam or junk folder to see if it got filtered. Or it could have not sent for various reasons.

Here is a link to the web page version of the email so you can still grab the aircraft:
commented by (272 points)
The planes are available from, even without registering for the newsletter ;-)

But you have to register at to download anything from there.