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0 votes
asked by (31 points)

Hi.  I posted a question in October on the absence of roads after upgrading to 11.05 (no replies).  Since upgrading to 11.11, the roads have reappeared (!), but now I have no AI traffic at airports.  There are planes in the air, but none taxiing or taking off.  I've looked at several airports, including both add-ons and default scenery; there are static, parked aircraft but no movement.  Can anyone help?  Log.txt and Graphics.jpg are attached.



commented by (272 points)

I noticed that you have a lot of custom scenery, hoping it's not the cause of your problem. Maybe try moving some away temporarily to see whether it makes a difference.

You also have cusom plugins; see above.

This part of the log doesn't look good:

WARNING: the named light Light does not exist.
ERROR: object Custom Scenery/XPIH Cork EICK Ireland r100/objects/eick_buildings/tower-firestn.obj has a bad light name: Light
WARNING: the named light Light does not exist.
ERROR: object Custom Scenery/XPIH Cork EICK Ireland r100/objects/eick_buildings/tower-firestn.obj has a bad light name: Light
Clean exit from threads.

This neither:
0:01:28.005 E/ATC: Tried playing a background wave file that doesn't exist: '.bgWave()'
0:01:37.436 I/ATC: Fly heading 2 2 0, N05XP.
0:01:37.436 E/ATC: Tried playing a background wave file that doesn't exist: '.bgHelo()'
0:01:47.817 D/ATC: p=1 (N01XP): Fly Heading: 182
0:01:47.817 I/ATC: N01XP, Heading 1 9 0.
0:01:47.817 E/ATC: Tried playing a background wave file that doesn't exist: '.bgWave()'
0:01:53.330 I/ATC: Fly heading 1 9 0, N01XP.
0:01:53.330 E/ATC: Tried playing a background wave file that doesn't exist: '.bgJet()'
0:02:09.313 I/ATC: N05XP, EIWF altimeter 2 9 9 2.
0:02:09.313 E/ATC: Tried playing a background wave file that doesn't exist: '.bgWave()'

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered by (272 points)
selected by
Best answer
From the log I'd suggest a clean reinstall (maybe minimal in a separate directory). Then check whether things work. If so, add more of your custom stuff, until it stops working. If everything works, your're done; if not, you know what part caused the problem.
commented by (31 points)
Thanks for the answers, very helpful.  The earlier answer concerned the warnings of missing light and wave files, but I've had the same warnings in every version of XP11, and they don't influence performance.  The missing files can't be found anywhere!

However, I like your suggestion to do a clean reinstall, then add the custom stuff one by one until the problem is identified.  Time consuming but worth a try.  Thanks again.
+1 vote
answered by (25 points)
May be a stupid question, but have you activated the AI traffic? "Parked Aircraft" is not the AI traffic...
commented by (31 points)
Hi and thanks for the reply.  Yes, there is AI traffic flying in the airspace but only "parked aircraft" on the ground in the airports.  Before upgrading to 11.11, ATC would have planes taking off and landing at my airport, and I would have to wait in the queue for clearance.  Now I have no traffic in or out of the airports.  Clearance is quicker!  But not realistic without other aircraft taking off.  I'm stumped.