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0 votes
asked by (12 points)
Is it possible that you make a plugin for goflight product, like you make it for PFC?

Actualy there's two free plugin, but they doesn't work very well.

Thank you.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (19.3k points)

We only develop the main X-Plane simulator. Typically, the hardware company would provide their own plugin. Goflight's site says they include

  • Software drivers that support the vast majority of platforms (including PC and Mac) and the vast majority of simulation software (including Microsoft Flight Simulator 9 and X, Prepar3d Flight Simulator, X – Plane Flight Simulator, and many more).
commented by (44 points)
..unfortunately, they didn't do anything like GFConfig, which is useful user friendly and will work for most of Simmers, you can something from third party that came out with great utility, But from my humble impression you better carry some credentials from the MIT Institute before trying to Master it .... same apply to Saiteks ..all Payware BTW