Under X-Plane 11 Joystick image numbering axes & buttons usually doesn't match the mfg labeling for mapping. Without the graphical image it makes mapping this device a little more difficult but not unmanageable.
Normally there is two file extension associated in joystick devices *-OS.joy ( where syntax OS is the operating sys i.e. Linux, Mac, or Windows) & *.png found in subdirectory X-Plane 11\Resources\joystick configs. In this case the file TWCS Throttle.joy & TWCS Throttle.png are missing yet the Thrustmaster T.16000M (flight stick) are present.
The same is true with the CH Products Pro Rudder Pedals which comes up identified as Control Manager ID #00.
Is this something Thrustmaster provides to Laminar (X-Plane 11) or will Laminar develop and provide in future updates? Thank you Kindly & for an amazing product.
Product Package is the Thrustmaster T.16000M FCS Hotas which includes both the flight stick & separate TWCS Throttle Flight control system. Rudder Pedals=CH Products Pro Rudder