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0 votes
asked by (73 points)
In Xchecklist when in VR I am using XPLMCreateWindowEx to create the window and using XPLMSetWindowResizingLimits(xcvr_g_window, 200, 200, 700, 1200); to set max size. If I increase the max height value it does not seem that I can have over 29 items be displayed in VR. Is there a limit? In 2d if I increase the max height value I can have a checklist with more than 29 items.

Thanks Bill

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (19.3k points)
There shouldn't be a limit to how many items a checklist can have. The VR plugin window's default behavior is to scale what the window shows if the corner is used to resize. Resizing by only grabbing one side should allow the window to expand without scaling, and simply show more info. Is this behavior what is causing confusion?
commented by (73 points)
Xchecklist is using xplm_WindowDecorationSelfDecorated so there is no resizing by user. In VR it uses XPLMGetWindowGeometry to find the current position then looks at how big the next checklist is and then uses XPLMSetWindowGeometry to size and position it correctly. As this works correctly in 2D is it safe to assume it is a bug?

I just wanted to make very sure that there is no limit into how big the window can be using this method. I have a test clist.txt that shows this but see no way to attach it here. Let me know how to proceed.
commented by (19.3k points)

You can certainly file a bug with the sample attached to have a dev look at it. 
