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0 votes
asked by (20 points)
Using FMS with Garmin 1000 set for full GPS point A to B.  Also entered Flight Plan File for same A to B.

Set as appropriate: VNAV, LOC, OBS to GPS.    NAV1 set to B.

ISSUE:  ATC  not coordinated with GPS -  FFL or PROC.

If I follow ATC directions NAV1 point A to B, such directions out of sync with GPS pathway.

If I Cancel ILS, I can fly GPS point A to B without any flight issue, from takeoff to landing, thus ATC not active.

Am I missing some type entry or selection for ATC to some how coordinate with GPS flight entries. Or is there a way to use ATC for ground, tower to takeoff, then ATC for landing clearance when using GPS flight planning.

1 Answer

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answered by (19.3k points)
X-Plane's ATC is not expected to follow your GPS routing. As in the real world, X-Plane expects you to plan your route around ATC and/or other official route guidance. Default ATC is not super bright and does not have the flexibility human controllers have, so using it can be limited, but this sounds like it works as expected.