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0 votes
asked by (50 points)
I have been downloading a bunch of Ortho Scenery Tiles and my internal storage is getting low.

I have an Alienware R3 laptop with different types of ports and would like any advice as to what kind and type of external storage would be my best bet.

I'm not even sure if an external drive would work with X-plane and would love to hear any experiences.

Thank You....

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (87 points)

I used to have XP11 on a laptop  and ortho sceneries on an external hard drive before I built my dedicated PC for X-Plane.

It worked quite well. Just create a folder on your external HDD and name it Custom Scenery.  Place your ortho tiles into this folder.  Inside this folder create shortcuts for all your tiles.

Cut out these shortcuts and place them into the Custom Scenery folder of your XP11 on your laptop.  Then delete the scenery_packs.ini file there.  Next time you start XP11 a new one will be created with everything in the right order. ( provided your addon sceneries etc. were correct prior)

As for the type of external HDD you use: any good HDD with a USB connection will do.  I used WD Elements and I was happy with them.

Hope this helps,

commented by (50 points)
Thanks Werner....My computer has Thunderbolt capability and ports I dont even recognize!!  LOL

I was concerned about speed and if the external drive could keep up with X-plane 11 which is on the internal SSD drive.

We all know by now that X-plane needs lots of computing power and ram and I didnt want to waste my time and money on a drive that was not up to the job.

Thanks again and Good Luck....any other comments are appreciated....