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0 votes
asked by (12 points)
i did buy the game on g2a, with a code to thier shop. all fine.. i played the game couple times, and now, after i updated it, it wants to have a code/key? i dont know where it is..

plz help
commented by (19 points)
I have the same problem please help me. I've bought my key from G2A and asks my key even after I used X-Plane 11 for some time.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (5.3k points)

Hi drengerovrobber,

I am not with Laminar Research; just a flight simmer.

Who or what is g2a?  I sometimes have problems in identifying TLAs (three letter acronyms).

What version of X-Plane do you have?  If it is a disc version there is no key/code but you have to run the software with disc 1 inserted into the DVD drive at all times.  This the only way the software will function. Read the manual.

If you have a Steam version digital download then a key should have been provided by the seller of the software.  The Steam version is a hybrid of the genuine X-Plane Laminar Research (LR) digital download version.

Seems you have a version supplied by a third party (g2a)  Contact them to solve your problem

However, if you have by chance purchased a genuine digital download version from Laminar Research then you need to contact them starting at In doing so you need to provide details of date of purchase, receipt number, method of payment etc


commented by (5.3k points)
Further to my answer above have a look at all of the following links given in

I think you have been "dudded",
