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0 votes
asked by (12 points)
I bought yesterday in the x plane store the latest version of the EBBR ( Brussels from justsim) airport scenery, I followed every step precisely ( and tried several times while following the instructions online). when i start a flight, the old airport is loaded, so nothing of the new scenery can be seen. when i checked the new scenery package for problems, it always comes up with a library problem / missing or something. i paste the library text under.





REGION_RECT 004 50 004 50


EXPORT lib/airport/NAVAIDS/VOR.obj objects/navaids/empty.obj

EXPORT lib/airport/NAVAIDS/ILS.obj objects/navaids/empty.obj

EXPORT lib/airport/NAVAIDS/glideslope.obj objects/navaids/empty.obj

#EXPORT lib/airport/NAVAIDS/Marker1.obj objects/navaids/empty.obj

#EXPORT lib/airport/NAVAIDS/Marker2.obj objects/navaids/empty.obj

EXPORT lib/airport/NAVAIDS/NDB_1.obj objects/navaids/empty.obj

#EXPORT lib/airport/NAVAIDS/NDB_2.obj objects/navaids/empty.obj

#EXPORT lib/airport/NAVAIDS/NDB_3.obj objects/navaids/empty.obj

it would be great if someone could help me!


1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (5.3k points)

Hi allapi,

I am not with Laminar Research; just a flight simmer.

You are in the wrong forum.  This forum is for problems while running X-plane developed by Laminar Research (

My interpretation of your problem is that you have purchased a 3rd party product from X-Plane.Org   Laminar Research does not sell 3rd party products, only the official version of X-Plane software  There is no connection  between either parties.

You may be lucky in getting an answer in this forum otherwise you should raise your problem directly with the seller or through their forum.

Good luck

