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0 votes
asked by (12 points)
I attempted to make a shortcut to the file to start xplane11 instead of having to open multiple files to get to it.

Initially this worked fine but when tried later in the day it said that the files have been moved from the folder and the program is unable to open.

I tried to move the files back together with no success.

Deleted all the known files after looking for an uninstall option and finding none.

Attempted to reinstall the program however it appears that it just wants to update it. It now creates a ton of shortcuts on the desktop and none of them will load, saying it is missing files of some sort or another.

I tried moving all those files in one spot with no success.

Now attempting for the fifth time after reboots and scouring the c drive for any rouge files and it still appears to think that all I want is the scenery update and won’t install the whole program.


1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (59 points)
Ok sounds like you need to do a clean install. Xplane must be on your system somewhere if your having that issue.

Go into C: and do a search.

By default x-plane installs to your C: drive and will create a few folders along with the x-plane logo on the desk top.

If you right click on any of those folders it will show you where they are stored.

Do Not remove those files. They are required to run x-plane.

If you have another hard drive on your system then install x-plane there. You will have a lot fewer headaches.

If you want to create shortcuts then do that.