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0 votes
asked by (12 points)
Hi, I have just upgraded from X-plane 9 to X-plane 11 and am having trouble with low frame rates.  |Getting 5 - 9 fps (with absolutely everything turned off or to minimums) typically and so very delayed flight time.  The only deficiency of my system against your requirements spec is I only have 4GB RAM.  processor is a 4 core i3.  Question is, if I upgrade the RAM is that likely to fix the issue or is this machine not really up to it.  I am trying to fly GA planes (eg the Cessna 172) for instrument flight practice, so scenery rendering is not an issue but the slow flight time is.

Thanks, Steve.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (685 points)

I’m afraid your system is not adequate for X-Plane 11.  You have not mentioned your GPU, but I believe it’ll take more than just a memory upgrade.   I found there is a significant system resource demand increase going to XP 11 (from XP 10).  If you look at the requirements from Laminar Research:

CPU: Intel Core i5 6600K at 3.5 ghz or faster. Memory: 16-24 GB RAM or more. Video Card: GeForce GTX 1070 or better.

For the C172, the above should get you acceptable frame rate above mid-level rendering settings.

commented by (12 points)
Many thanks for the prompt answer.  You have confirmed what I feared!!  Sounds like I am in for buying a new system, sadly.  From what I have seen of XP11 so far it looks great though.