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Please see the official X‑Plane Support page for help.

0 votes
asked by (12 points)
edited by
I have most of the updated airports from over 100, numerous plug ins, plane command, enviro etc and the sim ran great with all of that installed using Oculus VR. Then one day my dumb ass decided to try the 11.30 demo, from that day on the sim wont run, meaning obtaining the required FPS to be able to fly. Even with a fresh reinstall with zero anything added still wont run in VR or desktop! yes i have seen all videos from youtube on tweeking, xplane .org all nvidia settings blah blah blah. I just want the sim that I paid for to actually work!! nobody has an answer to why an i7 7700 32gb skill RAM, 1080ti 11gb vram, no longer runs this sim.

    How can something that worked at one point just stop working??

2 Answers

0 votes
answered by (2.2k points)
Hi TRCyberRacer

I'm just a fellow simmer in the UK (not from Laminar Research), but I was wondering what you meant by 'won't run'?

It is a case that X-Plane simply won't load or is it more of a performance issue relating to FPS (your question title refers)?

Kind regards
commented by (12 points)
on runway at start up FPS is 45, minutes later in the sky drops down to under 19 and all the the way down to 9. Before it worked great, so Im wanting to find out what they did from 11.26 to 11.30 to destroy FPS.
0 votes
answered by (5.3k points)

Hi TRCyberRacer,

I am not with Laminar Research; just a flight simmer.

I would suggest you lodge a "bug" report.  Follow the complete/full instructions found in the following link at 

Good luck

