I normally play X-plane on my Mac without issues, but I also have a PC that I would like to use from time to time for X-Plane. The problem is that there is a strange grey texture that appears over the instruments of the planes. The texture will create bands that move up and down and side to side as the plane makes similar movements within the air. I would guess that it is a graphics driver issue, but I already tried downloading older drivers and the issue is still there. The computer is newer so I wouldn't know if a driver update did cause the issue since the issue has been there since I got the computer. The other thing that is strange is that when HDR rendering is on there is no issue at all. Scenery looks fine and there are no grey bands on the instruments. Sadly, to use hdr I would need a much more powerful computer. The anti-aliasing is also off with hdr rendering on and there are still no issues. Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated.
Windows 10
8gb ram
Intel core i5-4460
AMD Radeon R7 A360
Intel HD graphics 4600
Picture with hdr off. Notice grey texture on the screens.The mountains in the distance also don't look right.

HDR on and both the mountains and​ the screens look normal.