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0 votes
asked by (13 points)
When ever I open the game and I select my plane and everything and click ready to fly it launches and take me into the game.  But the plane is all started and not at a gate how do i get at a gate when i press start to launch the game and where i have to turn on the plane myself? Can anyone help me?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (5.3k points)

Hi Vinny.O

This is by no means an official answer. I am no expert on X-plane.  Just a novice like you learning from the problems of other flight simmers.

What I understand is that starting at the end of the runway is the standard default situation for x-plane 10.

Having read most of the postings in this Q&A forum there are others who have experienced the same problem of starting at the end of the runway instead of at the gate.  At the moment I can't find the posting(s) to point you in that direction.

From memory and apart from reading the manual (page number ?) my understanding is Start X-plane then go to Settings then Operations and Warnings and then Startup then tick the appropriate box.

Hope this helps.



