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0 votes
asked by (16 points)
How do i play xplane 10 multiplayer on mac, do i need a disc or do i have to press something to play it or do i have to buy it. one more question i want to buy the bombardier dash 8 q400, i where to buy it but after i buy it what happens and what is the procedure they do to put on to my game.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (19.3k points)

Hi Aaronnjr,

You can try multiplayer with the demo, but you will be limited to 15 minutes of flying time and the KSEA area. You'll need to purchase the full sim to get rid of those restrictions.

Multiplayer is set up in the Net connections screen. You'll need to have all players on the same network, or use a third party service such as VATSIM.

Here is information on how to add aircraft to X-Plane. If there are additional steps, the aircraft should come with more explanation.
