The problem is that this USB Key never is out of the USB port since I have bought it. If You read carefully text on the screen, You will see that HASP because unknown reasons couldn't do its work! But the problem isn't only that, as I have wrote After insertion of DVD#1 of X-Plane Global 10.35, my joystick continue to be inactive.
As You see the problem isn't so simple.
To prevent advise about updating to 10.5, there the problem is in the resolution of screen. Menu screen became with so small text that it's impossible to read text. That is the reason because I have passed 10.45 and now .... I don't know because I Have bought DC-6 of PMDG. When installation is from DVD 10.35 all menu text is in normal size.
Thank You for Your answer, but again, as You could see the problems aren't so simple.