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Please see the official X‑Plane Support page for help.

0 votes
asked by (12 points)
Hey, i recently got a new GPU the RX480 4GB. i have really good performance in nearly every application but not X-plane .. I get really bad fps... compared to my old GTX 660.

 I have uninstalled all NVIDIA drivers and installed the newest AMD, with no luck.

I get around 33fps in the 2D cockpit of default aircraft. at Seattle..

with pretty low settings.


RX480 4GB

I7 3930K 4.0GHZ

8GB 1600mhz
commented by (10 points)
Hi, I too have the same problem on my desktop.  Even with the lowest settings, I get terrible frame rates.  It seems X-Plane 10 is not actually compatible with AMD GPU's.  The sim will run of course, but is way slower than it should be.  Here are my specs for example:

I7 6700K 4.6Ghz


16GB DDR4 3200Mhz

By comparison, I loaded XP10 on my Microsoft SurfaceBook tablet hybrid, which is over 10x slower than my desktop but has a 940M equivalent 1GB GPU and it runs faster than my desktop machine in XP10.  Definitely a bad bug in XP10 and unfortunately XP11 as well.

X-Plane and all drivers are up to date, no background apps are the problem, and I did disable Xbox DVR as they recommended.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (19.3k points)

If the issue started after you changed your graphics card, that's the place to investigate. Can you roll back to older drivers? You can delete your preferences to restore defaults and try tuning them again to fit your new system.
