Hi all,
I was doing a flight from Atlanta to Minneapolis on the Rotate MD80 and had a crash, somewhere within an hour of the flight (would put me near chicago or southern illinois I believe).
I'm wondering if someone can help decipher this log? I have Ortho4XP generated Ortho scenery near Atlanta, Chicago, and Minneapolis. Non exist on routes in between these places. Where the crash happened there was no Ortho. From the log it didn't look like it was loading any either. I also have the UHD V3 mesh from AlPilot for the areas I was flying.
In terms of Plugins, I have the Skymaxx V3, Real weather connector, Fly With Lua for Real Terra Haze. And for airports I have Tugmaster and autogate, but these shouldn't be active during flight.
I can't think of a good starting point to try and resolving this, as I'm also afraid of running into it in XP11 even.
The log can be found below: