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0 votes
asked by (16 points)
I cant seem to figure out how to install new helicopters to x-plane 11.  I have tried doing it the way I did for x-plane 10 but it is not working.  Please help.  Thank you.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered by (19.3k points)
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Best answer
Aircraft folders need to be located in the "Aircraft" folder in the main install folder. Other than that, you can create whatever folders and names for the aircraft you would like.

Keep in mind the X-Plane 11 UI uses information provided in the "Author" screen of Plane Maker to name and present the aircraft, instead of the .acf file name (as in X-Plane 10).
commented by (16 points)
I see the file in plane maker but when I try to open it, it says that it must be an old version.  Do xplane 10 files not work on 11?  If so is there a certain place to find xplane 11 aircraft?
commented by (19.3k points)

Aircraft files need to use all X-Plane 10 technology and nothing from any older versions (such as 9) to be fully compatible with X-Plane 11. I think this is commonly a problem with aircraft that try to still use the old panel
