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+2 votes
asked by (14 points)
Hi, I have a CH Eclipse yoke and in XP10 I could assign any joystick/yoke button to any XPlane action. However, i find that in XP11 pre-release I can assign my joystick hat buttons to only a subset of actions such as those for glancing and very simple flight controls etc.  Is there a more advanced configuration screen without the simplified GUI buried somewhere?  

Thanks, Paul
commented by (24 points)
In the latest update, you can select 'Custom' from the limited list and then it gives you an edit button where you can assign any action.  I don't know if this was there before, but I just noticed it.  So happy!

1 Answer

+4 votes
answered by (19.3k points)
The Hat switch options you see now are all that we have currently. We have heard from a few people about it being too limited, so it is a feature request we are considering for a future update.
commented by (24 points)
edited by
I have the same issue.  The sketchy part is that on my CH eclipse yoke, The left 'hat' is recognized as the "hat control" and I'm given the limited set of options for each direction on the hat.  But for the right 'hat' on my yoke, each direction is recognized as an individual button and I'm able to assign any action to it.  Why are they different?
commented by (19.3k points)
X-Plane is limited to only recognizing 1 hat switch even if a controller had multiples. I think this may be something we want to change in the future, but I'm not positive when that would happen.
commented by (24 points)
Now I'm really intrigued!  What in the world could possibly be the reason for this?  If it doesn't recognize multiple hats, why even make it recognize one?  Seems to me that in UI design, consistency is much more important than throwing in some weird random feature.  Especially because whether it's recognized as a hat or just a group of buttons, it all does the same thing, so the only difference is that you're changing the look of the input form for that group of buttons right?  Very interesting!

Anyway, I love how XP11 is coming together, really great work!
commented by (11 points)
I want to second the option of more control over the two hat switches on the Eclipse Yoke.

Having 8 functions on one switch is too fine of a control. 4 for each switch was better.