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0 votes
asked by (12 points)

I can't seem to keep x-plane running. It crashes every time, at random times, as little as a minute or two in. Crash reporter doesn't open. No help in other questions or KB. Event viewer no help, shows the crashes, but says unknown reason. Typically, I will click on something like a radio setting or a menu item, it doesn't respond, and if I click again I get the dreaded blue circle. I don't think it's ever failed while just flying, but it's not often that one doesn't want to change some setting. Windows doesn't crash, just X-plane. Can someone spot what might be wrong? I've attached a log.
X-plane digital download, updated to, I assume the latest? Later update with installer 4.01r1 doesn't do anything past locating the installation (desktop).
Windows 10
HP laptop 14-AL061, i3 @ 2.3 Ghz, 8 Gb RAM
Where do I look next?


imageDownload file


1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (18 points)
First look at system requirements also it might not show crash reporter because it wasn't checked to send diognostics to X Plane
commented by (78 points)
"First look at system requirements"

Yeah, he looks like he is running at the minimum requirements.  I wonder if he is having the same problem running X-Plane 10 on that machine.
commented by (12 points)
My system is running at 2.3 GHz rather than 3, but I would have expected just a slower frame rate, rather than constant crashes. I did turn down the scenery complexity, but no luck. When it runs, it looks good and flies well.

Last time it crashed, I had opened the program, and left the default Cessna 172 parked on the runway while I entered a flight plan, and probably five minutes in, down it went. I was also watching the task manager, and memory was about 2/3  full, with x-plane taking from 1.5Gb to 3.3 Gb.

Haven't yet downloaded x-plane 10. That might have to be the next step, but it's hard to believe my system is so pitiful 11 won't even run.... (?)
commented by (12 points)
I forgot to mention, I do have (have had) diagnostics turned on in settings.