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0 votes
asked by (14 points)
I have just perched the MD-80 and when I went to activate it in the game and when I start the plane and the box pops up I can't type the Z's in the serial number? When I do a small red T with a red cycle around it shows up in the left upper corner of the screen? Am I missing something.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (19.3k points)
Hi Tecpilot,

I have never heard of this before. Please attach a copy of your log.txt from your main X-Plane folder to a comment. Can you provide a link to where you purchased the plane?

I do not have a problem typing a Z to authorize my digital download product key, but I don't have a copy of the plane to try it's authorization. Have you asked the seller of the plane about the problem?
commented by (14 points)
Is there a trick to sending log files it keeps saying I'm over 8000 characters?
commented by (14 points)
Here is the link to the plane.

And last night I started the plane and in the activation box I tried every letter and they all work but the Z.
commented by (19.3k points)
You'll need to attach the log.txt file to the comment, not paste the text in. Use the button that looks like a page with a plus sign in the middle.
commented by (14 points)
Ok the plane manufacture got it, the problem was a VATSIM plugin that was in the plugin folder that turned the z key to a hot key.  the plugin was squawkBox and it had everything jacked up. Thanks for you help.

