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0 votes
asked by (36 points)
I am looking for advice from other users, as I am now encountering multiple major airports (KMBS, KRDU for example) where I take off from a small regional airport in the area, with weather set at low ceilings (300 ft AGL), and ATIS reports a runway in use that has no ILS, and then ATC clears me to a non ILS runway and indicates it's for ILS.

It really seems that something is wrong with the airport database for X Plane 11.

MBS (Saginaw, Michigan), and RDU (Raleigh Durham) are both examples of this, in both cases ATC routes me to runway 32 ILS (neither airports have ILS on 32).

If anyone has time can you try to reproduce this?

Thanks much.


1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (19.3k points)
Hi Kirk,

"neither airports have ILS on 32" Can you expand on this? Do they not have ILSes in X-Plane, the real world, or both?

We now use real world Navdata, so it could be a mismatch in X-Plane or the ATC could be interpreting it incorrectly.