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0 votes
asked by (14 points)

My simulation suffers from brief freezing mainly at flight. My set up is: 

Intel i7 3930K liquid cooled, SSD HD,12g ram on an EVGA Ge-Force 980 GTX Ti Hybrid Windows 7 64 Bit System!


here is my log from my last flight that suffered a freeze

imageDownload file


1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (19.3k points)
Thank you for providing the log file. Have you noticed if there are specific actions that cause it to happen? Is it when you use a certain plane? Start from a certain location or fly the same route? Does it always happen after you've been using the program for a specific length of time?

If it seems to happen with every flight no matter what, my next suggestion would be moving the plugins folder to the desktop and trying it again to see if one of them is causing problems.