Hello everybody,
Since I couldn't find a solution to this problem neither in the knowledge base nor here in the forum, I'm starting a new thread on this.
I am running X-Plane 11.00pb11 on a Microsoft Surface Book with 16GB of RAM, an i7-6600U CPU and both Intel 520 and NVidia Geforce graphics. Pretty often, there are annoying lines appearing in the sky, as in this screenshot for example (with a German UI):

Similar lines also appear when switching to external views of the aircraft. Sometimes the lines seem to have something to do with the ILS, as in the picture above, and at other times they seem to indicate air flow around the aircraft etc. Is there any way to get rid of these lines?
Another (minor) issue: The picture above shows an Approach to LSZR, which means that the plain with trees beneath the aircraft is supposed to actually be a lake. Is this a bug in the scenery, or is it something I can correct by myself?
Thanks for your great work on X-Plane 11!