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+1 vote
asked by (57 points)
There is a new version of the Installer that has a new option called "update scenery online".  I ran it and it takes a lot longer to scan the files. It showed me that there was 18.4 GB of "something" to DL. Can someone explain what this option is for and why I got 18.4 GB to download. It doesn't give an option to select geographic scenery.


1 Answer

+3 votes
answered by (1.8k points)

Scenery can be added or removed at any point in the future by re-running the installer. When the X-System installer comes up saying “You already have X‑Plane 11 installed on this computer,” click the Add or Remove Scenery button.

Select the scenery you would like to install. Parts of the world that are currently selected will be a bright blue color. Note that for regions where no scenery is installed, only oceans and airports will be visible. If you are unsure what areas are currently selected, just click Select None to turn everything off. From there, move your mouse around the map to highlight sections of the world and click on on the ones you would like to install.

You can read more about installation of X-Plane here.

commented by (57 points)
thank you for your response. I have added north america and europe using the add or remove scenery option with no problems. My question has to do with the newest release of the installer program  This release has a NEW option called "update scenery online".. What does it do?
commented by (1.8k points)

X-Plane Installer versions 4.02r2 and later include an “Update scenery” option for users with digital download product keys. If you have a digital download product key and have been using the X-Plane 11 beta, you can update to the latest scenery recut by downloading the latest installer. Launch the installer and pick the “Update Scenery Online” option to scan your installed scenery and download updates. Remember this option is only available to digital download users. DVD sets already contain the scenery updates. You can read more here.

commented by (57 points)
Thank you..You answered my question. I have a purchased beta with a digital product key. As I mentioned, I have North America and Europe scenery installed using the scenery updater. When I run the "update scenery online" it says there are 18.4 GB to install. Are these updates to my current scenery files and does the amount of file size (18.4 GB) seem reasonable to you?

Thanks again
commented by (1.8k points)
The disk requirements are based on how many world scenery areas are downloaded. Minimum with one scenery area is 20 GB.
Assuming that full version of X-Plane is about 80 GB of HDD, for North America and Europe scenery it is possible to download 18.4 GB (or more) as an update.