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0 votes
asked by (12 points)

I get the following while offline, then x-plane locks up and quits (dvd is in drive) this is the same with both 10.42 and the beta

Any Help Please :)

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (19.3k points)
Please attach a copy of your log.txt from the main X-plane folder. Have you noticed any common threads when this happens--have you just started X-Plane? Been flying for a while? Please list anything that might help us recreate this.
commented by (12 points)

I just recently got the game from Amazon. Until I updated it (I don't always keep my connection alive) it worked fine. I'm using Windows 7 64, 16gb ram, dual AMD Radeon HD7700 series, installed on 256 gb SSD,  mostly a very clean windows install. It happens all the time, not just occasionally. I do have the Saitek pro flight yoke/throttle. No log gets created, it locks up with the screens below. I tried it with and without the beta. No luck so far.


commented by (19.3k points)
If you have ever been able to to start X-Plane there should be a log.txt file. If not, there should be an X-Plane installer log.txt file. Where is X-Plane installed? We recommend it be installed on the desktop because anywhere else often encounters problems with permissions.
commented by (19.3k points)
Does the message go away if you start X-Plane while connected to the internet?
commented by (12 points)

*egg on face* I expected the log to be on my desktop, like the install log was, but now I found it inside the x-plane folder. So sorry for the confusion on my part.

I have it installed on one of my many partitions, not my C: drive ( I keep C: lean and mean )

When connected to the internet, even if only briefly when just launching it, the x-planewill start up 'normally'.

Attempting to attach log :)


commented by (19.3k points)
Thank you for the log file. We had fixed a bug like this for 10.40b9, so I will reopen it and attach your information to it to look into it again. Looks like it might have come back.
commented by (12 points)
Awesome, thanks for your efforts. They are much appreciated.


Now back to learning, crashing, flying.
commented by (19.3k points)

This is a new bug actually, and we need some additional information. Can you send me an email at [email protected] and let me know:

  1. What type of internet connection you have.
  2. How are you "disconnecting"? (unplugging USB internet adapter, ethernet cable, etc)
  3. Everything you can tell us about your networking configuration.
commented by (12 points)

Hopefully the attachment gives you enough information regarding my network, if not let me know.


imageDownload file
Thanks again for your time :)

