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0 votes
asked by (12 points)

imageDownload file

Here is my log files. Crashes at startup of a flight. Just installed some new scenery but that was working before and I tried to load up another flight again and now it wasn't working.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (19.3k points)
I would highly recommend moving the custom scenery folder & the preferences folder (in the Output folder) to the desktop temporarily to see if that allows you to get flying again. It could have been the new scenery, or a combination of addons and preferences that caused the issue. You can try putting scenery back one at a time until the problem reappears to narrow down the culprit.
commented by (10 points)
Great advice! I went through this process, and it turned out to be the 124thATC plugin. Once I unloaded it from the plugins folder, it fired up right away.  I was having crashing problems when loading the flight - all the time, every location and airport (custom scenery or not). Looks like it's back to normal now.

Too bad because up until now 124th was the best offline ATC plugin.  It's not perfect, and none of them are, but it worked for what I needed it to do - and WAY better than default ATC.  Looks like I'll have to drop the $$$ and give Pilot2ATC a try.

Thanks for the advice,