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I dont know why this suddenly happened as this area was working fine before. The problem persists with the 11.05 and even the 11.10b8. If I remove my all my addon sceneries the area loads. I can go anywhere else in the world with no issue. The error log says its the xp11 default scenery that the issue but I re-downloaded it and it still insists its the problem. I searched the default scenery for this tile and xp loads with water in the area and prompts me to download the missing tile. Using a 3rd party mesh doesnt help either. It like if I add anything scenery with that tile I get an error.
0:00:29.246 I/FLT: Init dat_p0 type:loc_tak apt:CYYZ rwy:24L
0:00:29.575 E/SCN: ***Error with scenery file "+44-080.dsf" (io_dsf.cpp:566.)***
0:00:29.575 E/SCN: The terrain file 'lib/g10/terrain10/urban_tmp_wet_prk1.ter' could not be loaded.
0:01:18.204 E/SYS: | Error loading the scenery package: Global Scenery/X-Plane 11 Global Scenery/
0:01:18.204 E/SYS: | X-Plane cannot run with this package installed - You may need to reinstall X-Plane.
0:01:18.204 E/SYS: | Please see the log.txt file for detailed error information.
0:01:18.204 E/SYS: |
0:01:18.204 E/SYS: | (io_dsf.cpp:566)
I have added 2 logs. one is when the issue started and the other is when i removed every custom scenery from around that tile/region and removed the offending tile from the default scenery folder and added a 3rd party mesh