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Please see the official X‑Plane Support page for help.

0 votes
asked by (12 points)
Each time I try to to launch X-Plane, I must first insert disc #1.  The instruction says insert disc #1 or enter your code number to avoid loading the disc into the drive, which is a pain in the neck; however, I have never received the magical code number and can't find it anywhere in the material I have received from you.  Who can provide me with the number?
commented by (10 points)
I don't know anything about a code number.  The only two options I know about are having the Disc#1 in the drive or buying a USB key and keeping that in a USB port.  I seldom use my DVD drive so my disc stays in there full time.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered by (76 points)
You can try this:

X-Plane 10 Home-Use USB Key
0 votes
answered by (19.3k points)
How did you originally install X-Plane? If you purchased a digital download version, you would have received a confirmation email with your product key (a 24 digit code). You can enter that number when X-Plane asks for the code number. If you purchased the DVD set, please leave the disc in the drive when using X-Plane and the message should stop appearing.

If you not yet purchased X-Plane on DVD or via digital download (or through Steam), you are using the demo and have restricted access to the simulator until you purchase a copy. You can use the demo indefinitely, but have limited scenery and flight time.