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asked by (12 points)
Can not get frame rates above 17fps in X-Plane 11

I7 6700k

32g Ram

GTX 1070

Samsung 512 SSD m.2

with all sliders to the left getting 20fps

running triple monitor setup at 1920 x 1080
commented by (136 points)
For comparison my former computer was getting good FPS even at detailed airports. It was intel based: CPU I7 4770K (OC'd to 4.3GHZ), 32GB DDR3 1600MHZ, GIGABYTE GTX 1070 8GB DDR5, Mainboard GIGABYTE GA-B85M-D3H micro atx. At the most detailed and complex payware airport: KJFK I was getting a reasonable framerate of about 24. My settings were high but not extreme. I had to turn of shadows though. This was with X-Plane 11.05 which was a lot more optimized than previous. At other airports I did not even have to turn of shadows to get a reasonable FPS. Sometimes it was even higher than 24 at freeware but payware quality airports like KBOS. So I don't see why you cannot get better FPS, with your hardware. The only thing is your triple monitors.

1 Answer

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answered by (136 points)
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If each monitor is 1920x1080 that adds up to 5760x1080. If you use just one of the monitors does the fps improve?. My OS is linux so if yours is windows there may be more nvidia settings that may improve fps in your system. Turn these off: Sync to VBlank, Allow Flipping. Turn on: Enhance Application Settings, Enable FXAA. Turn off Anisotropic Filtering Override Application Setting. Set Anisotropic slider far left at 1x. Turn PowerMizer to Adaptive or Prefer Maximum Performance. In the operating system power settings turn off low power setting, make sure it is set to high performance or similar if windows. Also make sure any other application that uses the cpu a lot or opengl for gpu is not running.

Lastly if all that fails reinstall graphics driver with latest nvidia. You might also get better performance from the nvidia driver if you download a program that removes every trace of the older driver. First uninstall it the normal way before removing every trace. Here is some tips on a program for removing every trace of graphics driver: