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0 votes
asked by (16 points)
I 3D printed an built a Cessna 182 throttle quadrant using 50K sliding potentiometers. They won't calibrate correctly. It acts as though it is set up for 10K pots. Is there a way I can adjust the calibration so that the 50K pots will work or do I need to change to 10K or lower pots?



1 Answer

0 votes
answered by (19.3k points)

This hardware might be a candidate for specifying "relaxed" calibration. This requires making a .joy file according to the spec here

"If your USB hardware reports a wider range of axis motion than the device is actually capable of sending, you may want to specify "relaxed" calibration in the header section. For instance, if you're a custom cockpit builder, and your axis reports 16 bits of travel, but you only use 10 bits--during calibration, X-Plane may never recognize the range of motion as complete, although you know it is."

commented by (16 points)
Thank you for your response. I tried using Calibration: Relaxed but it doesn't change anything.

1100 Version
Calibration: Relaxed
# If X-Plane did not come with a default configuration for your device,
# and you would like to share *your* configuration with the world,
# email this file to [email protected] and we will evaluate
# it for inclusion with the simulator. Thanks!!

I am using the BU0836A card, which is 12 bit, with 3 50K sliding pots. The calibration line shoots across with only 5mm of travel. The pots have 60mm of travel.